2006 Public Diplomacy Summer Institute Closing Ceremony
On July 21, graduates of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy's inaugural Summer Institute received their certificates, having completed an intensive, two-week Advanced Training in Public Diplomacy workshop.
The 2006 Summer Institute was attended by a variety of diplomats from around the world, including United Nation's staff members and coordinators, international Embassy officials, and Non-Governmental Organization executives.
Press the "play" button to listen to the closing ceremony address (26min 59sec)
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href="http://uscpublicdiplomacy.com/audio/20060724_ceremony_all2808.flv" width="330"
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Or click here to download the MP3 podcast.
For photos and feedback from the inaugural Public Diplomacy Summer Institute, click here to visit our 2006 Summer Institute Scrapbook.
Download/View the Program Overview (PDF).
Download/View the Summer Institute 2006 Itinerary (PDF).
For questions about the Summer Institute, please call Tori Horton, 213 821 2078, or e-mail pdsummer@usc.edu.
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