Citizen Diplomacy: The Role of Youth
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School and the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles were proud to host Citizen Diplomacy Summit on the Role of Youth. The summit was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
The summit focused on international exchange programs for students, international volunteer opportunities for youth, and careers available in the field of public diplomacy. Lois Hill Hale, Congresswoman Diane Watson's Press Secretary and District Representative, will give the opening remarks.
Feature Panelists included:
Condessa Curley, MD, Director of Project Africa Global
Peter Kovach, Diplomat in Residence at UCLA
Carrie Walters, Master of Public Diplomacy Candidate and former Program Coordinator at Transparency International.
Zunaid Mansoor , International Fulbright student and a candidate for a Master's Degree in Film at Chapman University
For further information, please contact Lisa Larsen, Assistant Director for Programming and Events, at (213) 821-0768 or llarsen@usc.edu.
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