Josh Rushing, “Mission: Al-Jazeera”
Josh Rushing, Mission: Al-Jazeera
Discussion and book signing
October 2, 2007
12:00 p.m.
ASC 207
Press "play" to watch (59 min.). {exp:flvplugin playerpath="http://uscpublicdiplomacy.com/audio/" href="https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/video/joshrushing.flv.flv">http://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/video/joshrushing.flv.flv" width="320"
height="260" autostart="false"}
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy, USC School of International Relations, USC Annenberg School of Journalism and the Center for International Studies welcomed Josh Rushing, current reporter for Al-Jazeera English and author of Mission: Al-Jazeera, to USC for a discussion and book signing. Philip Seib, USC Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy, chaired the lunch-time forum.
Lunch will be served.
About Josh Rushing
Josh Rushing was a United States Marine Captain and press officer for United States Central Command (CENTCOM) during the 2003 Iraq Offensive. He became famous for his appearance in the documentary Control Room, which documented his conversation with Al Jazeera correspondent Hassan Ibrahim. He left the Marine Corps after the Pentagon ordered him not to comment on the movie, and is now working for Al Jazeera English.
In 2007, Palgrave Macmillan published Mission: Al-Jazeera, Rushing's memoir of his journey from a small town in Texas to Al Jazeera English via the Marines.
All of Josh Rushing's Al-Jazeera reports can now be seen here on YouTube!
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