A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

New Rules Of Engagement

The matching core task of diplomacy is to engage in "network diplomacy" that has more players than club diplomacy, is flat rather than hierarchical, engages in multiple modes of communication, is transparent rather than confidential, and its "consummation" takes the form of increased flows of tourists, students, labour, credits, investments, technology and goods and services.


Kerry and Lugar Call for New Pakistan Policy

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman John F. Kerry and ranking Republican Dick Lugar today introduced a bill that would triple nonmilitary assistance to Pakistan to $1.5 billion annually for the next five years in a bid to help stabilize the democratically-elected government of president Asif Ali Zardari, who is besieged with a festering insurgency and a domestic financial crisis.


A Fine House For the Art of Diplomacy

Perhaps it is the complex history of relations between Korea and the United States, where the emotional pendulum always seems to swing back and forth, that was the catalyst for the ambassadors’ having chosen these works.


Expo Changes Behaviors and Attitudes of the Citizens Permanently

With the 2010 World Expo on Shanghai’s horizon, can China’s rank improve on a global stage? What does China need to do to take full advantage of the opportunity?


The New Jazz Ambassadors

The funding for the State Department bureau that runs Musical Overtures and other cultural programs expanded under President George W. Bush from $900,000 to $10 million in 2008. The budget for 2009 is set at $8.5 million. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has underlined the need for cultural exchanges as part of the Obama administration's emphasis on "smart power", namely, using non-military means as a way to expand American influence throughout the world.


Japan, Iran Agree To Work Together For Reconstruction Of Afghanistan

apanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki issued a joint statement in Tehran on Saturday announcing that the two countries have agreed to work together in the international efforts for the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.


Baku Calling for Openness in Turkish-Armenian Relations

Most Azerbaijani politicians as well as the general public believe that the recent developments in Turkey's bilateral relationship with Armenia were aimed only at influencing Barack Obama's April 24 statement. Supposedly, Turkey wanted to provide a reason for Obama to avoid using the word "genocide" when referring to the events of 1915.


Grammy Award-Winning Band Awaits Permit To Rock Vietnam

The US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City is processing a performance permit to bring the band here.
Ozomatli is scheduled to visit and perform in Vietnam from May 10-15 with two concerts held at the My Phuoc Theater, in Binh Duong Province on May 11 and the Lan Anh Club in HCMC on May 13.



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