A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Special Press Briefing and Release: Country Reports on Terrorism 2008

Economic and development assistance, education, and public diplomacy are also crucial to effective counterterrorism efforts. We continue to believe that, at least in the great majority of cases, that people who have positive options to build a better life will choose those positive options. And in that sense, foreign assistance is another vital component of our efforts to address the conditions that terrorists exploit for recruitment and for ideological purposes.


Ukrainian teachers view U.S. model

The visitors were in Frankfort as part of the Open World program, an international exchange sponsored by the Library of Congress through the Open World Leadership Center. They will tour schools in Indiana later this week, and meet with representatives of the YMCA, parent-teacher organizations and Junior Achievement.


Money trouble keeping US out of Shanghai Expo

The United States is conspicuously absent as major countries start to build their national pavilions in Shanghai for the largest-ever World Expo next year. The US has yet to sign up, but Expo organisers say the American consulate had asked them to set aside prime space for a US pavilion, Chinese state media reported this week.


State Department 100-Day Report

While Secretary Clinton and the entire State Department are engaged in vigorous government-to-government diplomacy, Secretary Clinton has also invested unprecedented amounts of time and energy into engaging in people-to-people diplomacy in countries with whom we seek partnerships.


British Culture Invades Moscow With AngloMoskva Fest

Composer Michael Nyman and film director Stephen Frears are among the guests flying in for the AngloMoskva festival in Moscow from May 1 to 3. "We relied on our own tastes when choosing the guests," said Aliona Muchinskaya, the director of Red Square PR company, which is organizing the event. "We wanted to present culture in its widest aspect possible.” The festival program — designed to bring the two countries closer together in a time of political tensions — is diverse, ranging from classical music to club music to film and modern art.


In Egypt, a blogger tries to spread ‘culture of disobedience’ among youths

Aziz, a thin man in black clothes with a wristwatch shimmying up and down his arm, is a founder of the April 6 Youth Movement, which draws from a Facebook group of nearly 76,000 people, mostly high school and university students. The movement opines, plots and Twitters, though it has yet to generate feet in the street: Three of its calls for nationwide strikes drew more police than protesters.


WEF to Discuss Success Strategies in Face of Crisis

The meeting’s programme is based on three pillars, including overcoming crisis and restoring growth, the new science and research agenda, and the shifting geopolitical landscape towards soft power approaches. Beyond economic and geopolitical issues, particular attention will be paid to innovation and technological proficiency as essential sources of future growth, as well as to the future of the region’s energy industry in light of price volatility.


SAS to Increase in Size to Counter Taliban in Afghanistan

In addition to targeting Taliban leaders they will use "soft power" in expanded roles in which they will address medical and other needs of the population in remote locations.



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