A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Summit Of The Americas Might Lead To Changed Relationships

The finger food has been cleared, the lens caps are back on and the diplomatic delegations assembled in Trinidad for the Fifth Summit of the Americas have departed. Now comes the hard part for the United States: using the momentum from three days of diplomacy to forge new relationships with two of Latin America's most problematic leaders.


Cultural Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution

Speaking on the topic of ‘Cultural Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution’ H.E The Ambassador Bal Anand (former Ambassador & Diplomat to Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Romania, New Zealand and Nicaragua Aramenia) said that the impact of culture on the conduct of modern diplomacy is unquestionable.


After Turkey’s hype over Obama comes hard implementation

Opinion polls indicated that Turks had an increasingly favorable attitude toward the new US president. Turkish media was also mostly upbeat, bringing into sharp focus the contrast between the positive vibes directed toward Obama and the negative perceptions of his predecessor, President George W. Bush.


China’s English-Language Media: A Case of Over-Confidence

Why does China always get it so wrong? The English-language media are rarely consumed by their intended international audience, but are rather used as tools by Chinese to improve their own English-language ability.


Is South Africa About to Become More ‘African’?

Rising crime, crumbling roads, pernicious corruption, and landslide victories for the ruling party in charge: these are the signs that South Africa – so "First World" at first appearance – is now on the decline. But the one complaint that seems to top them all here these days is that the country is becoming more "African."


Racism and Retrenchment for Filipinos

A scathing editorial written by a Chinese columnist that referred to the Philippines as a "nation of servants", last month sent thousands of protesting Filipinos onto the streets of Hong Kong and threatened to spiral into a full blown diplomatic spat between Manila and the former British colony and current autonomous region governed by China. The inflammatory column was published in late March by HK Magazine and referred to the Philippines' overlapping territorial claims with China to the nearby Spratly Islands.


Judith McHale’s Nomination Sent To Senate

Former top Discovery executive Judith McHale is one step closer to an administration post. The White House said Monday that her nomination has been sent to the Senate. That means only a Senate confirmation hearing and full Senate vote stand between her and Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy.


Public Diplomacy & Web 2.0

Perhaps we should launch a digital Web 2.0 version of the Peace Corps which asks Americans to volunteer and take an active role in not only representing the U.S. in international digital fora but also in helping to build the kind of networks in cyberspace that mirror the physical bridges, schools and libraries that Peace Corp workers may have built in the past.



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