A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cajun Music comes to Jeddah

Jeddawis and expats had an opportunity to experience the rich sound of Acadiana when the Pine Leaf Boys blew into town for two performances...The band is touring the region as part of the US State Department's cultural diplomacy efforts.


Introducing the PD Chief Count-Up Clock

COMOPS Journal have established the Official Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Count-up Clock...President Obama and Secretary Clinton have been doing a fine job themselves on the public diplomacy front so far. The worry is that while they are doing the big things, the little things are going undone.


Obama Abroad: An Assessment

There’s little question that Obama made some progress in using his personal appeal to regain some of the good will America lost in Europe and elsewhere over the last few years. His self-effacing, forthright approach in public appearances during his trip appeared to be a refreshing contrast to what countries perceived from his predecessor. And where he expressed policy disagreements (such as with economic policy and when he urged the EU to accept Turkey as a member), he may have rankled some, but not alienated them entirely.


Japan: Speak out for Human Rights

"For Japan to promote human rights successfully and be taken seriously internationally, it needs to use a mixture of private and public diplomacy," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "Too often, as with the current crisis in Sri Lanka, Japan's voice is missing when it could be a powerful force to protect people from harm..." Roth said that Human Rights Watch intends to share its research with the Japanese press and people in the hope that this will encourage the government to use its influence to promote human rights.


London Book Fair 2009 to Focus on India

The British Council (India) announced that 51 authors and around 90 publishers would be a part of the fair’s India Market Focus Program. The London Book Fair, an annual event held at Earl’s Court, London, is an opportunity for the international book industry to meet and forge new business partnerships.


Obama Engages the Young Turks

With two objectives in mind — reaching out to young people and speaking directly to Web users in the Muslim world — the White House made live video streams of the event available to any blog or Web site that wanted it, which included a Turkish social networking site called Yonja. When the White House technology team finds time to add the discussion with the Turkish students to its YouTube channel, it will sit alongside the president’s most famous attempt at digital video diplomacy so far, his message to the Iranian people.


In PD, Obama Shows That Style is Substance

George Bush’s practiced cowboy persona, combined with anti-Muslim propaganda from his more militant allies, meant that no American action would be viewed favorably by much of the Muslim world. Enter Barack Hussein Obama.


Hillary Clinton: “RFE/RL is smart power”

I also know that RFE/RL employees, journalists, and staff members have faced harassment, intimidation, kidnapping, arrests, and violence. But your steadfast commitment to your mission is a great message about the importance of this work. I am a big believer in smart power and in communications. We have a big job to do to reach out to get accurate information into the countries and societies that we are currently addressing, and we couldn’t do it without you.



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