A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China’s Palestine Policy

The geopolitics of China’s rise and its implications for the Arab world and wider Middle East is a topic for serious debate. Currently, China’s Middle East strategy revolves around shoring up its energy security and tapping consumer markets and investment opportunities for Chinese businesses.


Azerbaijan Launches Foreign TV Service

Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic that borders the Caspian sea in the Caucasus, is to launch a foreign language TV service as part of a bid to increase its profile internationally.


Glassman: Decline of Ortega’s Nicaragua

During the campaign, candidate Barack Obama's Web site stated that "George Bush's policy in the Americas has been negligent toward our friends, ineffective with our adversaries... creating a vacuum for demagogues to advance an anti-American agenda." As a member of the former administration, I'll admit there is some truth to this claim, which is why I wish the new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, had made Latin America, not Asia, the focus of her first trip.


A Strike at the ‘Soul’ of S. Asia

Across South Asia, cricket has become a symbol of regional camaraderie at a time of growing political and religious strife...When a squad of terrorists armed with grenades, rockets and rifles opened fire on a busload of visiting Sri Lankan cricket players in Lahore, Pakistan, on Tuesday morning, the assailants seemed bent on destroying what remains of South Asian civic and sporting goodwill.


VOA to Spotlight Guinea-Bissau Assassinations

The Voice of America (VOA) has announced that it is providing on-the-ground reports today from Guinea-Bissau, the impoverished West African country where the president and the head of the joint chiefs of staff were assassinated. Defense Minister Artur Silva, in an interview with VOA’s Portuguese Service early today, confirmed the attacks that left both President Joao Bernardo Vieira and General Batiste Tagme na Waie dead in Bissau, the capital of one of the five poorest countries in the world.


Clinton to Begin West Bank Visit

Palestinian officials are expected to ask the US to take a tougher line on Israel over the continued expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank. In Tel Aviv, Mrs. Clinton restated the Obama administration's commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state.


Mexico’s Communications Chief Trips Over His Words

A government secretary of communications ought to know a thing or two about, well, communications.And yet Mexico's communications secretary, Luis Tellez, has been embroiled in a scandal involving his private conversations, telephone calls and e-mail traffic, some of it recorded surreptitiously and some in a clumsy accident.


US Finger on the Pulse

Secretary Clinton wants to intensify her engagement in the entire region, including ASEAN. The theme of her trip [to Asia] was that Asia is an indispensable partner, and we want to affirm and echo that in ASEAN.



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