A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

German Literature Gains Ground in Turkey

Since Turkey was featured as guest of honor in last year’s Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest gathering of the publishing industry, Turkish literature has been put under the spotlight in Germany...The popularity of German literature in Turkey is on the rise, as well. Projects like the German-to-Turkish translation program “Adımlar” (Steps) -- jointly carried out by Turkey’s İthaki Publishing House and Germany’s S. Fischer publishing house -- include plans to translate a good number of German titles into Turkish during the next five years.


Japan Launches English NHK World TV

NHK World TV went on air Monday as the latest English-language international news network as Japan joined the race to boost clout overseas by reaching out to viewers. Broadcast 24 hours a day, the channel is accessible on five continents via satellite, cable, or on high-speed internet connections.


With Obama’s Victory, Blacks In South America Dream Of Better Times

Many black activists here hope the charter is the first step in ending years of discrimination and say it is one of many victories for African descendants across Latin America, where blacks are demanding new rights, winning key political posts, and ushering in a new black pride movement. They also see another development, far from their borders, that is a significant boon to their cause: the election of U.S. President Barack Obama.


Venezuelan Synagogue Attacked As Relations Worsen

An armed group vandalized Caracas' oldest synagogue, shattering religious objects and spray-painting walls in what Jewish leaders called the worst attack ever on their community in Venezuela. Two security guards were overpowered by about 15 people who ransacked the synagogue's sanctuary and offices late Friday.


IAF Strikes Gaza As Cease-Fire Deal Takes Shape In Cairo

As Israeli leaders on Sunday threatened a harsh military response to continued rocket attacks, Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders were said to be close to reaching a Gaza cease-fire deal in talks with Egyptian officials in Cairo. Meanwhile, the IAF struck rocket-launching areas in northern Gaza on Sunday night, as well as a Hamas security building in central Gaza.


Gadhafi’s son creating Mideast human rights body

The son of Libya's leader says he is putting together an alliance of nonprofit organizations from across the Arab world to tackle the issue of human rights and democracy in the Middle East. Seif al-Islam Gadhafi said in an interview with The Associated Press that almost 45 NGOs — both Muslim and Christian — have agreed to join The Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights in the Arab World. Every country in the Middle East has been accused of human rights violations, including Libya where Moammar Gadhafi has ruled since he seized power in a coup in 1969.


Bridging the Gap between Academia, Media & Power

As a new think tank in Turkey, The Global Political Trend Center, or GPOT, aims to bridge the gap between decision makers and academia, according to its deputy director, Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki. The recent shift in Turkish foreign policy, as exemplified during Israel’s assault on Gaza, is also on GPOT’s agenda. While the center studies Turkey’s position and its role within current global trends, it also tries to conclude how Turkey should respond to those trends in a rational way.


Opportunity not to be missed by Obama

Although Indonesia is not a Muslim country, an effective and productive US approach to the Muslim world calls for a much wider and deeper interaction with Indonesia, a Muslim majority. The Obama administration might have learned from the fact that Indonesia and the US have, in the past ten years or so, been unable to avoid irritants in their bilateral ties. Maybe they do not understand each other well enough. Perhaps this can also be a major test for Obama's public diplomacy, to win the hearts of the Muslim world.



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