A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Could polls point the way to peace?

Though imperfect, surveys are opening new windows into Mideast attitudes. Which are, and aren't, what the West thinks. The image of the United States among Muslims in the Middle East has decayed so much, according to a new poll, that large majorities in some countries in the region perceive America as a bona fide enemy.


Beijing hip-hop trio hopes Olympics will help pick up the beat

The fast-approaching Olympics have inspired all sorts of Beijingers: athletes, scientists, salesmen, dissidents. Even rappers such as In Three are counting on the Games and the millions of visitors drawn to Beijing to boost China's nascent hip-hop scene.


Sonia gets China invite to Olympics

Top Chinese leadership has invited Congress president Sonia Gandhi to the Olympic Games in early August. Leaving behind the recent low in bilateral ties over border disputes, Chinese vice-president Xi Jinping has sent a personal invitation to Sonia to be in Beijing for the Games.


Iran Protests Georgian TV Broadcast

The Iranian embassy in Tbilisi protested against broadcast of a film titled 'New Mesopotamia' by a local Georgian television channel. In a letter of protest to the TV manager, the embassy has noted that the 'New Mesopotamia', which shows status of Georgian troops in Iraq, makes baseless allegations against Iran, a press tv report said.


Branding - the next step forward

Malaysian Development Institute (MDI) director Prof Datuk Dr Noor Azlan Ghazali said a strong brand would convey to global and domestic investors where the country is heading.” He said a successful nation branding exercise did not necessarily meant having a single brand, but a common brand.


Traffic, air quality emphasized during Olympics

China's Vice President Xi Jinping Thursday urged guaranteeing smooth traffic, sound air quality and sound food safety during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.


Athletes’ cozy home embodies Green Olympics

Energy critics will have little to complain about at the Olympic Village, thanks to Beijing's extensive efforts to offer a comfortable and environmentally friendly home for the athletes.


Radio Farda Hits Delicate Balance

Rising Cold-War-style tensions between Iran and the U.S. have ensnared the American-funded Radio Farda -- "Radio Tomorrow" in Farsi. It is a battlefield outside the public eye that's nonetheless generating civilian casualties. But the challenge facing Radio Farda's journalists is that Iranians, stifled by years of government-controlled media, will tune out anything viewed as a form of state propaganda -- whether U.S. or Iranian.



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