Building a Domestic Compact on Foreign Policy Through PD
There are volumes of research on cultural exchanges from the perspective of attendees. But what about host communities?
On April 10th, 2019, CPD Director Jay Wang and CPD Visiting Scholar Katarzyna Pisarska joined us to unpack new research and frameworks for measuring the local impact of cultural exchanges.
Pisarska explored the phenomena of public diplomacy’s domestic dimension—a government’s ability to engage its own society in foreign policy practices through information, cooperation and identity-defining. She shared her research on a comparative analysis of public diplomacy's domestic dimension in Australia, Norway and the U.S. based on more than 80 interviews.
Wang discussed CPD's pioneering work on capturing and estimating the impact of cultural exchanges on host communities. He shared how to measure various forms of "capital"—knowledge, cultural, social, civic—and takeaways for improving and innovating public diplomacy efforts of mutual understanding.
Click here to view photos from the event.
About Katarzyna Pisarska
Dr. Katarzyna Pisarska is Associate Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and Founder & Director of the European Academy of Diplomacy in Poland. She is also Program Director of the Warsaw Security Forum and a Young Global Leader with the World Economic Forum in Davos. In 2013 Dr. Pisarska was named “99 under 33” most influential world foreign policy leader by the Diplomatic Courier in Washington, D.C. More.
About Jay Wang
Dr. Jian (Jay) Wang is Director of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy and an Associate Professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. He previously worked for the international consulting firm McKinsey & Company, where he advised clients on matters of communication strategy and implementation across a variety of industries and sectors. More..
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