Call for Submission to CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy
CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy is a periodic publication intended to stimulate critical thinking about the study and practice of public diplomacy. We have a rolling submissions process and accept proposals year-round.
The manuscript submission process is as follows:
- All submissions for the CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy series are evaluated based on a peer-review process.
- Essays suited for CPD Perspectives include case studies, working papers, comparative studies, policy analyses, and histories of public diplomacy as practiced internationally.
- Submissions must be between 7,000 and 11,000 words.
- Please follow the APA Style Manual in regards to style and bibliography, and include endnotes and an author’s biography. Authors may find EasyBib, BibMe and Citati
onMachine useful (though not foolproof) resources for assistance in generating properly formatted citations. - A note about tables, figures, and photos: in addition to embedding graphics in the text; they must be sent as separate files that are high-resolution, clearly labelled (e.g. "Figure 3a"). Authors must have legal rights to all photos and other graphics and attribution must be included. All graphics will be printed in black and white.
- All manuscripts must be submitted in Word (not as a PDF).
- The preliminary review process can take between 2-4 weeks. Once approval is issued via email, a final proofing and layout process of approximately 6-8 weeks will take place followed by a limited print run and appearance on the CPD web site.
Please note, published essays will be reproduced in electronic form and limited print editions. Publication in CPD Perspectives does not preclude subsequent publication in scholarly journals or books. Submissions that are currently under review with another publication will not be accepted.
A complete list of past CPD Perspectives can be found here.
Submit manuscripts and direct any questions to Sohaela Amiri at cpd@usc.edu.
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