The Private Sector and the Future of U.S. Diplomacy
Nov 24, 2020
In a recent interview with Weber Shandwick's Executive Vice President of Geopolitical Strategy & Risk Michelle Giuda, Liz Schrayer, President & CEO of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, discusses economic security as national security, vaccine geopolitics, political risk to business, and the future of U.S. diplomacy. Here are some highlights from the interview:
- On the geopolitical risk to business: “It’s the global playing field. There is so much rushing at us on the domestic side, but if we want to protect our economy, we better stay engaged in the world.”
- On vaccine politics: "For every one dollar spent on vaccinating a low-income country, high-income countries get about 5 dollars back in benefits"
- On the connection between national security and economic security: "I think this idea of national security as economic security, economic security as national security is a bipartisan issue… national security and economic interest is literally tied together."
The interview can be viewed here.
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