A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Moscow Sends Mixed Messages To Obama

As the Obama administration rolls out America's new foreign policy, diplomats hope relations with Russia may improve soon. There has been confusion about mixed messages coming from Moscow. But some analysts say the Kremlin's swings between threats and conciliation send a very clear message: that Russia isn't really interested in improving relations.


A New Murrow for U.S. Public Diplomacy

The United States needs to have someone heading its public diplomacy effort who can explain not only its policies but also its society and culture to others around the world with honesty and integrity...The response to the naming of the next public diplomacy chief should not be, "Who?" even among the cognoscenti. The appointment of a journalist renowned in the U.S. and respected in the halls of power abroad will require no explanation.


Still Waiting on Public Diplomacy

If it turns out that McDonough -- someone close the President and who really understands the issue -- takes on this portfolio at the NSC then I'll be a lot less concerned about who gets the Under-Secretary for Public Diplomacy position. This would meet many of the most pressing needs: giving public diplomacy and strategic communications a seat at the center of the table during the formation of policy, effectively balancing the perspectives of State and Defense, and coordinating the vast and diverse communications efforts of the government.


Future of Public Diplomacy Unsettled at State

As President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton near an announcement of a top State Department official to promote the United States’s image abroad, some veterans of the public diplomacy field wonder if the administration views job as a national security position or a public relations one.


China Pushes ‘Soft Power’

Hu's "peaceful development" strategy - the pillar of foreign policy since he took power in 2003 - reflects an attempt to overcome lingering image problems created by the Tiananmen Square crackdown on student demonstrators in 1989...The government has established 295 Confucius Institutes in 78 countries to teach Chinese history and language, and it spent an estimated $70 billion to stage the 2008 Summer Olympics, which attracted a record 4.7 billion television viewers worldwide.


Asia Still Likes America

New evidence suggests that in East Asia, U.S. "soft power" - the power to persuade others to do what you want them to do by attraction rather than coercion - has actually increased over the past eight years. Despite China's rise, the United States remains the leading source of soft power in the region. This is one of the principal findings of a 2008 survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on "Soft Power in Asia".


Qatar Sets Scene For Film Industry

Qatar has forged a partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival in order to launch a five-day cinema event of its own in November. Doing so brings the idiosyncratic spirit of the Tribeca festival to Qatar...Future Qatari filmmakers “will make stories that show the pluralism of this culture, rather than just extremes,” says the Qatar Museums Authority, the state’s umbrella arts agency.


Klimt: The Art Of Diplomacy

Since entering the new year, the Austrian Embassy has filled up the calendar with top quality cultural events... "Austria is well-known in Korea as a country of culture and fine arts. Cultural policy is an integral part of Austrian foreign policy," said Austrian Ambassador Willhelm Donko.



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