A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama Soft Power, Smart Power II

We have left the Age of Bush, which emphasized the sticks approach to power and entered the Age of Obama, the age of attraction and cooption, more popularly known these days as soft power. Can we now officially release ourselves from the post-9/11 era?


Weight of World Rests on Obama

Barack Obama enters the White House today with a crushing burden of expectations both at home and abroad. How he manages those expectations will go a long way to defining his presidency.


Gaza: A New Middle East Indeed

The New Middle East defined in Lebanon in July-August 2006, was confirmed in Palestine in December-January 2008-2009. A new language with new terminology and a new culture is springing up from the ashes and the rubble of Gaza. Arabs are eager to define themselves and shed years of defeat and defeatism. A New Middle East, indeed.


Korea Starts Campaign to Polish Image

South Korea is considering creating a pool of 100 billion won ($74 million) to spruce up its negative image overseas and build a brand as a ``respected and beloved'' member of the global community, the chairman of a presidential commission on nation branding said. In an exclusive interview with The Korea Times, Tuesday, Euh Yoon-dae said the country must increase economic aid to underdeveloped countries to share the premium of its rapid economic growth. "Creating a fund is one of the options to ensure successful nation branding.


Australian Embassy to Host Indigenous Cultural Festival

The Australian Embassy in Jakarta will be celebrating Australia Day with an Australian Indigenous Cultural Film and Art Festival to be held at the Blitzmegaplex Grand Indonesia shopping center this week. The festival, which runs on Jan. 22 to 26, will feature an exhibition of indigenous West Australian artwork and five heralded indigenous films including Ten Canoes, The Tracker, Yolngu Boy, Rabbit Proof Fence and Australian Rules.


More than One Million Israelis Recruited to Monitor Blogs

As Israel withdraws its ground troops from Gaza it has deployed “an army of bloggers” fluent in several languages, recruiting an all-volunteer force to combat anti-Zionism in cyberspace and escalating its battle to control Israel’s image abroad. Israeli press reported Monday. More than one million Israelis who speak a second language have been recruited to monitor blogs in English, French, German, and Spanish and more are to be recruited for Portuguese and Russian blogs, Erez Halfon, director general of the Immigrant Absorption Ministry, told the Israeli daily Haaretz Monday.


Goli Ameri Gives Farewell Speech About Public Diplomacy

"I learned that it's okay to be a woman; it's okay to be an immigrant, and most importantly, it's okay to be a dreamer. Where else in the world would a first generation immigrant be nominated as an Assistant Secretary of State?" These were the words of Goli Ameri, guest speaker at the Iranian American Bar Association's (IABA) Washington, D.C. Chapter reception on January 10, 2009.


World has ‘high hopes’ for Obama

There is worldwide optimism that Barack Obama's presidency will improve US relations with the rest of the world, a BBC World Service poll suggests. In a poll of more than 17,000 people in 17 countries, about 67% said Mr Obama would strengthen US relations abroad. The most optimistic views were in Europe, where nearly 80% of those surveyed in Italy and Germany, for example, thought US relations with the rest of the world would improve under Mr Obama's presidency.



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