A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A New Chapter, A New Dialogue

Newly minted President Obama offered an address this morning that can be viewed on many layers. An inaugural address is primarily a message to Americans and secondarily a message to the governments and peoples of the world. But in 2009, more than in most years, this address is a message from Americans to a global village about what America is, what America seeks to be, and how America intends to work with that global village.


Obama’s American Dream Makes Europe Wonder

Europeans appear to be dazed and confused about the United States' decision to elect a symbol of change to the White House. Some wish their own societies were capable of similar breakthroughs, but others are sceptical of President-elect Barack Obama's ability to bring about real change, reveals a round-up of contributions from the EurActiv network.


Terror Victims Group Gears Up For Hasbara Campaign

The tour will take victims of Hamas terror on a speaking tour to the US and Europe, where they will tell their personal stories to the international community and justify Israel's three-week operation against the terror group in the Gaza Strip.


Embassy Row

From his seat on the inaugural platform on the West Front of the Capitol, the ambassador from Pakistan marveled at the massive throng that crowded the National Mall along the two-mile stretch to the Washington Monument...Mr. Haqqani noted the pride expressed by ambassadors from Africa and the Caribbean at the swearing-in of the first black U.S. president.


AIB Regrets Violence in Venezuela

The Association for International Broadcasting (AIB), based in Montevideo, condemned on Tuesday the "escalation of crimes, attacks and harassment against communicators," lately recorded in Venezuela and attributed to groups in support of President Hugo Chávez.


Malaysia Hopes For Changes In US Foreign Policy

Malaysia hopes that the new United States president, Barack Obama, will be able to bring about changes to the super power's foreign policies and give less emphasis to unilateralism...Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the US should take an inclusive approach in dealing with global issues..."The US should employ a mix of hard and soft power in dealing with international issues," he said when asked about Malaysia's hopes for the new president.


British Council Vows to Reconnect with the Arts

The British Council has vowed to increase its presence in the arts sector and is to set up a special advisory group to redevelop cultural expertise within the organisation. The announcement was made in response to former Arts Council England deputy secretary general Graham Devlin’s report on cultural provision within the British Council. Devlin said the organisation had “lost much of its arts specialist skills base” and that this needed to be “rebuilt across its global arts team with credible expertise both in the UK and overseas”.


Think Again: Barack Obama and the War on Terror

Yes, Obama, by his presence and personality, has changed the atmospherics of U.S. foreign relations. America's reputation around the world has for some time been at a nadir, so there is nowhere to go but up. But the United States' poor image abroad has not been the result of a marketing failure, and, thus, better public diplomacy will not lead to victory in the "Battle of Ideas." Anti-Americanism thrives, not because others misunderstand the United States, but because they perceive its aims and tactics all too well.



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