A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Artists Urge Obama to Name a Secretary of Culture

A call for President-elect Barack Obama to give the arts and humanities a Cabinet-level post -- perhaps even create a secretary of culture -- is gaining momentum...The grass-roots movement has the support of arts administrators who have called for this type of visibility for many years. "Whether you call it a minister of culture or not, it would be wonderful to have someone with a policy role to coordinate arts education, cultural diplomacy and support for arts organizations. Those activities are not coordinated but divided among many offices," said Michael Kaiser, president of the John F.


Vietnam to Pursue Comprehensive Foreign Policy in 2009

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem made this statement during a New Year meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic corps and international organisations in Ha Noi on Jan. 14. He said that 2009 is the year of cultural diplomacy and expressed his wish that cultural exchange programmes between Vietnam and other countries across the world would diversify to increase friendship and understanding between nations.


Will $6 billion solve the Chinese PR problem?

Thus my fascination with the much examined news this week that the Chinese authorities plan to spend 45 billion RMB, or well over $6 billion, on a new effort to explain China to the world. The original stories were in the (non-government-controlled) South China Morning Post, of Hong Kong.


Israel activists blending new, traditional tactics in PR battle

Much of the online activity related to the Israel-Hamas battle in Gaza centers around Facebook, the hugely popular networking site that has seen a noticeable upsurge in political content related to the conflict. More than 5,000 users are attending a virtual rally on the site organized by the World Zionist Organization. Pro-Israel users are being encouraged to change their profile pictures to “I Love Israel” and donate their “status update” to keep track of the terrorist rockets landing in southern Israel.


Launch of International Tour of “Picturing America” Exhibition

Mrs. Laura Bush today announced the launch of the international tour of “Picturing America,” sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Thus far, over 35 U.S. embassies around the world have requested the exhibition, which offers international audiences the opportunity to experience history’s common thread of humanity and to better understand America through the eyes of great American artists.


Vesak 2008 Boosts Vietnam’s Global Prestige

“The successful organisation of the Unied Nations Day of Vesak 2008 emphasised the dynamic and friendly aspects of Vietnam, which is ready to act as friend and a reliable partner to countries and territories around the world,” Deputy PM Khiem said. Vietnam overfulfilled its responsibilities as a UN member throughout the course of the event, he added.


Obama Likely to Change US Leadership Style

President-elect Barack Obama has indicated his administration is likely to be less reliant on the threat of military force to persuade and influence other countries, and more likely to use so-called "soft power," the attractiveness of a nation's ideals, culture and way of life.


BBC Launches Persian TV Channel

The BBC's newest satellite TV channel has gone on air, a Farsi language service for viewers mainly in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.



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