A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

War 2.0 or Public Diplomacy 2.0: The Role of Internet in Israel’s Gaza Strip Bombing

The Israel Defense Force has a blog and a YouTube channel, the Israel consulate in New York held a press conference on Twitter and summarized the discussion on their Israel Politik blog, and the Likud prime ministerial candidate Benjamin Netanyahu is active on both Twitter and YouTube... According to Gwen Ackerman at Bloomberg, this effort is also part of a larger cross-media initiative to manage international perceptions of the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Without Gas, Bulgarians Turn Icy to Old Ally

Even before a resolution to the energy crisis gripping Europe was set back on Sunday, many in this Balkan country were accusing Russia of instigating a new cold war, depriving millions of Europeans of heat and fuel to strike a political blow against the West.


Gaza Conflict Prompts Global Demonstrations

Cities around the world were braced Sunday for fresh rallies both in support of and in opposition to Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip as the bombing campaign entered its third week.


Bridging Divides: Saudi, UK Youths Share Experiences

The 2nd Saudi-British Youth Forum began here yesterday with young men and women from the two countries sharing views and experiences aimed at promoting tolerance and understanding. The forum included brainstorming ideas for building capacities for youth participation organizations, such as school councils and youth parliaments. Welcoming the participants to “the Bride of the Red Sea,” Arab News Editor in Chief Khaled Almaeena gave a clarion call for “dialogue with everyone” in the backdrop of ongoing conflicts.


Zimbabwe Call-in Show Launched by Voice of America

The Voice of America's (VOA) Studio 7 launched LiveTalk, a 30-minute weekly call-in radio show for Zimbabwe, offering people a forum to discuss the political, economic and social challenges facing the nation...Brenda Moyo and Blessing Zulu, co-hosts, discussed the stalled power-sharing process between President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe's economic collapse, food shortages, the on-going cholera epidemic and other issues during the inaugural show.


Gaza Hit by New Israeli Strikes

Saturday's leaflet drop prompted speculation Israel is poised to adopt new tactics in its battle with Palestinian militants. Phone messages in Arabic urged residents to keep away from sites linked to Hamas, saying that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were not targeting Gazans but "Hamas and the terrorists only". One phone message said "the third stage" of the operation would start soon...Correspondents say "phase three" could see Israeli forces moving deeper into cities and refugee camps - involving new risks for Israeli soldiers and civilians in the Gaza Strip.


ICCR to Expand Indian Cultural Promotion Across Globe

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has been given an expanded budget to promote centres overseas in order to popularise aspects of Indian culture, according to parliamentarian Kanimozhi Karunanidhi...The Hindu's Editor-in-Chief N. Ram called for the revival of centres of excellence in literature and languages, not necessarily in India, to break the myth of Indian culture being about dance and music only. South African community leader T.P.


Project India’s Secular, Pluralist Tradition Abroad: N. Ram

The projection of India's cultural heritage abroad should highlight the country's secular, pluralist and multi-ethnic tradition, N. Ram, Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu, said on Friday. In his keynote address at a plenary session on "Indian Diaspora: Preservation of Language and Culture" on the final day of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas convention, Mr. Ram said there had been instances when festivals on the India theme hosted by private organisations had projected an image of the country that was at variance with its pluralist, multi-ethnic and multi-religious fabric.



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