A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Reporters Without Borders Protests Restrictions on International Broadcasts in Azerbaijan

The worldwide press freedom organization, Reporters Without Borders, has sent a letter to President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev appealing to him to intervene after the National Broadcasting Council announced it planned to take three foreign radios stations off the FM band by 2009.


For the Next President: Center Scholars Suggest Priority Actions

With a new president of the United States soon to be elected, Belfer Center scholars offer their suggestions to the next president on issues of national security, climate/energy policy, and the financial crisis.


Al Jazeera Focuses on Latin America

From a modest loft in downtown Buenos Aires, Al Jazeera's English service is trying to reshape the way the world views Latin America...''Taking an interest in Latin America is our greatest innovation,'' said Will Stebbins, AJE's Americas Director, based in Washington.


Voice of America Partners The Voice of Kashmir

Voice of America has announced its first affiliation with a Southeast Asian private FM station The Voice of Kashmir in Rawalakot, Pakistan . According to a VOA release ,The Voice of Kashmir is airing the Voice of America's Urdu programs daily. "This is a big step forward," said VOA Director Danforth Austin. "It allows people in Northeast Pakistan to hear VOA's news and information and it opens the door, we hope, to further ties between VOA and private broadcasters in Pakistan."


‘Honeymoon’ for Serbia and Albania with First Joint Film

Albania and Serbia, still burdened by tensions over breakaway Kosovo, might finally enjoy a "honeymoon" period -- at least on the big screen with their first-ever co-production of a film, by the same name.


The PR battle for the Caucasus

The South Ossetian conflict, which began in early August this year, not only sparked a military war between Russia and Georgia, but a propaganda battle. Both countries have hired Western PR companies to help put across their messages.


Asian Views of America’s Role in Asia 2008

With the US election due tomorrow, three distinguished Asian leaders look at the new American government’s responsibilities in Asia over the next four years...The US would be well advised to set a good example of upholding the very values it espouses. US allies in the region are acutely aware of America’s poor image among their own public and want the next administration’s foreign policy to pay special attention to public diplomacy.


The World Holds Its Breath As America Decides

Tomorrow's election will affect everything from security in Afghanistan and Pakistan to trade with China and relations with Washington's former superpower rival in Moscow. Surveys show that if everyone in the world had a vote, Barack Obama would win a landslide victory. Yet John McCain can count on support in surprising places. Our writers look at public opinion in nine cities across the world



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