A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rice Laments Lack Of Black Diplomats

"I want to see a Foreign Service that looks as if black Americans are part of this great country," Rice told a gathering of black colleges and universities in Washington. "I have lamented that I can go into a meeting at the Department of State...and, as a matter of fact, I can go into a whole day of meetings at the Department of State and actually rarely see somebody who looks like me, and that's just not acceptable," she added.


Cultural Diplomacy in the Relationship between the UK and Germany

The fact that these programmes exist suggests a recognition of the potential for cultural diplomacy as a fundamental tool in supporting a closer understanding between the UK and Germany. The potential of these and other programmes is clear: the attitudes of British and German people towards each other, as can be seen on individual cases, but also in the respective media in each country, are too often indifferent or negative. There is clearly potential for a better mutual understanding.


Chinese Protester Freed After Olympics Detention

A Chinese woman detained for a month after protesting about being evicted from her home ahead of the Olympics has been freed, the woman and her son said Monday. Zhang Wei said she was released on Saturday on condition that she keep her cell phone on at all times so police can contact her and order her back to jail if necessary.


India to sell nuclear deal to world, soothe critics

India will take its civilian nuclear deal with the United States to the world looking to secure fuel supplies and reactor technology, analysts said, while seeking to soothe critics with a strong non-proliferation pitch.


Olympics Generate Pro-China Buzz in Hong Kong Elections

Voting was underway in Hong Kong's legislature elections Sunday with the "Olympics factor" expected to see pro-democracy parties lose ground to their China-friendly rivals.


A Glorious Opening in Beijing

The organisers of the Beijing Paralympics had long promised a Games of equal splendour to the Olympics and Saturday's spectacular opening ceremony has set a high benchmark for the rest of the competition.


Old foes Armenia and Turkey put faith in football diplomacy

In what has been termed "football diplomacy", Turkey's president, Abdullah Gul, will attend the match after accepting an invitation from his Armenian counterpart, Serge Sarkisian, in an attempt to kick-start relations between the two neighbours, who do not have diplomatic ties...A carefully worded statement from his office said that the occasion had "meaning beyond being just a sporting event". It added: "The visit held in the context of a match will contribute to the creation of a climate of friendship in the region.


4.7 Billion People Watched Beijing Olympics

The Beijing Olympics attracted 4.7 billion viewers, or roughly 70% of Earth's population, from Aug. 8-24, making it the most-watched Games ever, according to data released Friday by Nielsen Media Research.



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