A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Selling the Taliban

In the West, assumptions about Afghanistan too often seem premised on the idea that the Taliban are "men in caves," raising questions about why thousands of international troops cannot quickly defeat them. However, an insurgency is at its heart a battle of wills and staying power, not of military might. Insurgents in Afghanistan appreciate this and have created a sophisticated propaganda operation that both targets what is seen as weakening support back in foreign capitals and seeks to mold perceptions among the Afghan population.


China’s Olympic Facade a Victory For Totalitarianism

Beijing’s Olympic Games have left the world enamored with China. Yet corruption and shame blanketed its venues as thickly as the smog that will soon return to harry its inhabitants and visitors.


Hezbollah Shrine to Terrorist Suspect Enthralls Lebanese Children

The presentation, which opened Aug. 15, is Hezbollah’s most ambitious multimedia exhibit to date, meant to dramatize the group’s bitter conflict with Israel on the second anniversary of their latest war. Schoolchildren pour in throughout the day, absorbing the carefully honed message of heroic resistance.


China: Not Lost In Translation

For the first time in Olympic history a private company - Beijing Yuanpei Century Translation Co. Ltd. - has been contracted for official translation and interpretation services. With linguistic resources from Peking University, a team of 600 professional translators of the company would be working round-the-clock during the games. This in addition to the Olympics Volunteer Programme which has enrolled over 400,000 English-speaking recruits to combat the influx of foreigners.


Protester’s Mother Pays Price

China quashed all applications from people hoping to demonstrate in officially sanctioned "protest pens." However, one Chinese man succeeded at protesting briefly in Ritan Park. Now, the family says, the man's 73-year-old mother is being harassed by the police in retaliation.


China Becoming Great Power in World Sports, Says Slovak President

China has made huge progress and it is becoming a great power in world sports," Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic said in a written interview to Xinhua in his country's capital of Bratislava on Monday. The president, who has just returned from the Beijing Olympics, hailed the achievements of Chinese athletes at the Games, referring to the Chinese Olympics delegation as a world-level team.


State Councilor Urges Adding Olympic Spirits to Chinese Education

State Councilor Liu Yandong has urged that the spirits of the Olympics and fighting disasters such as the Sichuan earthquake be added to the orientation program for students in the new semester.


Why America needs a post-Bush makeover

The US has lost many of its natural supporters and allies in recent years. Here are six changes that would help.



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