Young South East Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI)

On June 1, 2015 President Barack Obama hosted a delegation of 500 young South East Asian leaders at the White House. These individuals were part of YSEALI, a program launched in 2013 by the U.S. government to empower and equip new leaders, entrepreneurs, activists and academics with the skills and resources needed to turn their "ideas into action." YSEALI seeks to strengthen relations between the United States and the ASEAN nations through educational and cultural exchanges, economic development and investment, and people to people diplomacy. As the President remarked during the event, "Building...stronger ties [between the regions] is not just the work of government; they have to be rooted in partnerships between our people, and especially young people, like you." This video offers a snapshot into the current delegation of YSEALI Fellows, and lays the foundation of a bi-regional partnership "that will last a lifetime." 

Recap: White House #YSEALI Event