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Zachary K. Goldman. (Apr 2013). Washington’s Secret Weapon Against Chinese Hackers. Foreign Affairs. Council on Foreign Relations.
Mark A. Bernstein, Katya Fonkych, Sam Loeb, David S. Loughran. (Apr 2003). State-Level Changes in Energy Intensity and Their National Implications. RAND Corporation.
Katherine E. Bliss and Katryn F. Bowe. (May 2011). Bridging Knowledge Gaps in Water Management: Integrating Approaches to Food, Water, Energy, and the Environment. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Katherine Bliss and Katryn F. Bowe. (Aug 2011). Making Progress on Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Challenges. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Coca-Cola. (Jan 2012). Sustainability Reports.
The Coca-Cola Company. (Mar 2012). Water Stewardship Replenish Report.
William J. Cosgrove and Frank R. Rijsberman. (Apr 2000). World Water Vision. Earthscan Publications.
Michele Acuto. (Apr 2013). World Politics by Other Means? London, City Diplomacy and the Olympics.
Cristina Archetti. (Apr 2013). People, Processes & Practices:Agency, Communicationand the Construction of International Relations. International Studies Association Annual Convention.
Brian Hocking, Jan Melissen, Shaun Riordan, and Paul Sharp. (Apr 2013). Whither Foreign Ministries in a Post-Western World. Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’.
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. (May 2013). Benghazi Investigation Does not Reignite Broad Public Interest: Reactions Split Along Partisan Lines.
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. (May 2013). Egyptians Increasingly Glum: Not Optimistic About Economy or Certain They Are Better Off Post-Mabarak.
Walter Douglas. (May 2012). Public Diplomacy for a New Era. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Emilija Tudzarovska - Gjorgjievska. (May 2013). EU Public Diplomacy in 21 Century: Challenges and Perspectives. Macedonian Institute for European Studies-MIES.
Yelena Osipova. (Apr 2013). De-Westernizing Digital Diplomacy: New ICTs in the Russian Context. Annual Convention of International Studies Association.
(May 2013). U.S. Soft Power & the Rebalance: Public Diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Anand Varghese. (Jun 2013). Social Media Reporting and the Syrian Civil War. Untied Institute of Peace.
(Jun 2013). Global Views of Iran Overwhelmingly Negative. Pew Research Global Attitudes Project.
Jorrit Kamminga. (Jun 2013). Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 Transition: Lessons from the United States and the Netherlands. Netherlands Institut e of International Relations ‘Clingendael ’.
Michael Meehan. (Jun 2013). BBG: Consider the Changing Landscape. Radio World.
Roland Paris. (Jun 2013). The Digital Diplomacy Revolution: Why is Canada Lagging Behind? Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute.
Charles Kenny and Justin Sandefur. (Jul 2013). Can Silicon Valley Save the World? Foreign Policy.
Gary Thomas. (Jul 2013). Mission Impossible? Columbia Journalism Review.
Ariel Bardi. (Jul 2013). ”Nation Branding” Takes on LDCs, with Uncertain Results. Media Global News.
Lívia Pontes Fialho and Matthew Wallin. (Aug 2013). Reaching for an Audience: U.S. Public Diplomacy Towards Iran. American Security Project.
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