CPD Contributing Scholar on Changes in European Public Diplomacy
CPD Contributing Scholar Mai’a Cross co-edited the soon-to-be published book European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work, and wrote the first of its eleven chapters, “Conceptualizing European Public Diplomacy.” The book is the culmination of her CPD research project, “European Public Diplomacy,” and includes chapters such as “A Network Perspective on Public Diplomacy in Europe,” “Normative power and the Future of EU Public Diplomacy,” and “New Members’ Public Diplomacy.”
CPD is pleased to note that a number of CPD affiliated scholars contributed chapters to this book including:
Nicholas J. Cull
James Pamment
Ellen Huijgh
Teresa La Porte
Ali Fisher
Cross also recently co-authored a policy brief for the Hague-based Clingendael Institute with diplomacy scholar Jan Melissen, entitled “Communicating Europe: At Home in Tomorrow’s World.”
The summary of European Public Diplomacy reads:
“The European region – especially given the existence of the European Union (EU) – necessarily encompasses multiple levels of public diplomacy: subnational, national, transnational, and supranational. But do the various aspects of Europe's multi-leveled public diplomacy form a coherent overall image, or do they work against each other to some extent? European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work pushes the literature on public diplomacy forward through a multifaceted exploration of the European case. In so doing, it fills an important gap in the international relations literature on the mechanisms behind soft power.”
The book will be released on November 7, 2013. To learn more, click here.
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