
Accepting applications through November 15 from PD scholars and practitioners pursuing research questions at the cutting edge of public diplomacy.

New CPD Board Member Gary Hart served as U.S. Senator for the State of Colorado and is the author of 21 books.

CPD Research Fellow Alina Dolea advances diaspora diplomacy scholarship and proposes a theoretical and analytical framework for further study in the field. 

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

Defining Courage will be presented at USC’s Bing Theater as the closing event of the university’s celebration of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Meet our three newest Fellows who will conduct original research on the role of technologies, diaspora, international organizations, and power competitions in public diplomacy.

CPD welcomes Caroline Patsias as the 2024 Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair.

CPD Research Fellow Kyle A. Long explores how institutions of higher education help the U.S. gain competitive advantage and advance mutual understanding.
