
The author, foreign policy strategist, and former diplomat brings valuable experience and perspective to the CPD Advisory Board. 

Xavier University's Shearon Roberts explores how Black women elected officials are reframing our understanding of public diplomacy.

CPD Visiting Scholar and U.S. Public Diplomat in Residence Matthew Asada conducts the first inter-event comparison of FIFA 2022 and Expo 2020. 

CPD recognized Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman for his for his leadership in global relations through initiatives such as Schwarzman Scholars. 

CPD recognized foreign service officer Alexander Hunt for his innovative use of Artificial Intelligence. 

Phuong Mai Anh Tran of the University of Ottawa, Canada, is the latest recipient of this annual research award.

Accepting applications through November 26 from PD scholars and practitioners pursuing research questions at the cutting edge of public diplomacy.

The event series focuses on the intersection of public diplomacy and the arts, featuring thoughtful discussions on urgent global social issues. 
