Terrorism and New Media: Building a Research Network
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is pleased to co-sponsor the international conference, Terrorism and New Media: Building a Research Network, with the Centre on International Studies at Dublin City University in Dublin, Ireland.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together academics from a broad range of disciplines with policy-makers and security practitioners that have knowledge and/or expertise that can facilitate advances in the study of terrorism and new media, particularly the Internet, in novel ways.This is the first academic conference that will examine the relationship between these two fields and bring together experts in the each field.
Day one of the conference (Wednesday, September 8) will feature a series of panels and CPD Director, Phil Seib, will be one of the plenary speakers and will address the role of public diplomacy as a factor in counterterrorism efforts. On the second day (Thursday, September 9) there is an unique workshop devoted to the robust debate and analysis of currently ‘hot’ topics in the realm of terrorism and the Internet, particularly the question of the role of the Internet in processes of radicalization.
A selection of accepted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal Media, War & Conflict.
This conference is convened by the Centre for International Studies, School of Law & Government, Dublin City University in partnership with the International Communication Working Group of BISA. Additional sponsors include: Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences, Office of the Vice-President for Research (OVPR), Dublin City University, and British International Studies Association.
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