A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The India Model

The idea of a China model can also be seen as a projection of "soft power"— achieving co-option and attraction based on values, culture and institutions. The 2008 Beijing Olympics and the current Shanghai World Expo are examples of projecting soft power.

Tags: china, soft power, india, public opinion

Middle East Plan B

It has been almost 17 years since Yasir Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands in the White House Rose Garden, setting in motion a process that was supposed to end the conflict for good.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, israel, palestine

Amid Cup Fervor, Revisiting Pain of Apartheid

For the next month, South Africans everywhere will be asked how they feel about the World Cup coming to their country. Many no doubt will talk about their pride, how they feel that a megaevent will give South Africa a chance to put its best foot forward before the world.

Tags: south africa, fifa world cup, soccer

Afghan reconciliation strategy should reflect Pashtun culture

During their well-scripted news conference at the White House, both Karzai and President Obama said they favored a process of outreach to the Taliban. And both presidents endorsed, as a start, the "peace jirga" that Karzai will host in Kabul in several weeks.

Tags: afghanistan, taliban, hamid karzai, kabul

India, Pak bury acrimony, talk sharing of river water

According to a participant of the dialogue, which is part of Track II diplomacy, Pakistan's side succeeded in persuading India to install telemetry systems to ensure transparency in water flow and prevent any sort of water theft.

Tags: india, pakistan, water diplomacy, track two diplomacy

Japan, U.S. need closer cooperation

There is concern in Washington over the future of the Japan-U.S. alliance at a time when the two countries should be working close together on a broad range of international issues, including North Korea and Iran, U.S. foreign policy experts said at a recent symposium in Tokyo.

Tags: united states, public opinion, japan

New British Government Unified with US on Iran

The new British government strongly backs efforts to enact UN Security Council sanctions on Iran aimed at the Islamic state’s nuclear activities, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Friday.

Tags: united states, iran, european union, sanctions

Russia opens a new pipeline of diplomacy

Russian diplomacy has been on a roll in recent months, the revival of ties with Ukraine being the most dramatic manifestation. But a string of successes, major and minor, sung and unsung, has been notched up below that high point - in Poland, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Norway and Syria.

Tags: middle east, russia


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