A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

War of Words: Israel attacks Palestinian rhetoric

Concerned that its image abroad is suffering, Israel is going on the offensive to show that Palestinians, not Israelis, are responsible for perpetuating the region's cycle of violence.


Romania - 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the French, Germany and UK

Romania is celebrating today the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Romania’s diplomatic missions will run public diplomacy actions in the three countries to mark this anniversary.


‘Can You Hear Us Now?’

The aim of public diplomacy is to communicate America’s policies abroad and to engage international audiences about all things American. The problem is, we’re failing, and that’s to the detriment of our national security as well as commercial, cultural, and education interests.


From Israel, a plan to win friends and influence people by working on its image

Acknowledging that Israel's image in the world these days is perhaps not at its apex, the Israeli government is asking its citizens to be more proactive in shaping the image of the Jewish state around the globe.The government of Israel is launching a citizens' campaign to change their image, including 70 workshops for Israelis on how to hold a civil discussion when they travel abroad.


Israel relies on a deadly specialty

Perhaps no other country's use of assassinations has been more scrutinized, condemned and celebrated than that of Israel. When Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman faced questions over Israel's suspected role in the Dubai assassination of a Hamas militant, he responded with familiar indignation: Why is Israel always the first to be blamed?


Kim Carries Nation’s Expectations on Her Skate

Figure skating is as much art as sport. Kim is a cultural icon as well as an athlete. Thus, Song said, the competition between Kim and her Japanese rivals will also be viewed as a referendum “on which country’s culture is better regarded by the rest of the world."


Tom Brokaw video a U.S. ‘love letter’ to Canada

Since it appeared on Feb. 12, the video Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans has been viewed over 215,000 times on one YouTube channel. The search term "Brokaw explains Canada" has also been logged as the No. 1 Twitter trending topic in this country.


What’s Bad for Toyota Is Even Worse for Japan

When Akio Toyoda sits down for his grilling before U.S. lawmakers this week, he won't just be representing his company, embattled Japanese carmaker Toyota. He'll also be serving as the public face of a country in the throes of an unexpected national security crisis.



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