A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Taiwan, China to Cooperate in Earthquake Science Research

Scientists from Taiwan and China will cooperate in a study of the seismic pattern of an earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people in Xichuan province in 2008, a senior official said Saturday.

Tags: science diplomacy

Big changes from life’s small lessons

Naotaka Aoki, a black belt in tae kwon do, uses tae kwon do to further construct a bridge between the cultures, offering many chances for the local and base kids to practice together, with a yearly overnight trip in addition to the tournaments.


Killing Muslims

We continue to hear endless nonsense from Washington about how "soft power" is so much more effective than military force. OK, show us. Three good men at West Point have given us a powerful information weapon against al Qaeda.


Beijing focused on taming the dragon of rampant growth

What are the political implications when China becomes an economic superpower? There is plenty of evidence that China wants to match its economic strength with political influence, while promising a “peaceful rise” and soft power.


Delegates to Azerbaijan-Russia cultural forum meet president, first lady

A high level forum on cultural and humanitarian relations between Azerbaijan and Russia continued in Baku yesterday. The head of Russia's Federal Agency Mukhametshin said Famous figures from Russian and Azerbaijani science, culture, education and sport have gathered in Baku. We are studying each other’s experience to develop our relations in the field of public diplomacy.”


US unveils civilian aid strategy for Pakistan

Helping Pakistan address immediate energy, water, and related economic crises was top on a list of priorities US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlined on Thursday while unveiling a new strategy for enhancing America’s engagement with Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Panel speaks about future of media

A panel of seven professional journalists spoke Thursday, on how the news media is transforming in today's digital age. Suzanne Seggerman, former PBS documentarian and current president and co-founder of Games for Change, gave the keynote address speaking on the importance of video games for learning and social change. "People are using World of Warcraft for public diplomacy." she said.


US President likely a no-show for 2010 Olympic opening ceremonies

U.S. President Barack Obama is not expected to attend the opening ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics, but that doesn't mean he isn't coming at all. While the leaders ostensibly attend Games in order to show support for their athletes, there is a measure of public diplomacy involved.



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