A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama must be less hazy on human rights in the Middle East

The Obama administration’s promotion of human rights with abusive Middle Eastern governments, however, has been ambiguous and, in some cases, negligent, raising concern that the US is still operating in a universe of double standards when it comes to confronting serious human rights violations by important allies.


From information ‘warfare’ to ‘welfare’

As the Federal Information Minister, I hear frequent use of the term ‘information warfare’ as a strategy to counter both extremist messages and hostile posturing from other states. However, my contention is that this term actually carries exclusivist, militarist, and clandestine connotations, which have their origins in the Second World War and the Cold War, when Western nation-states adopted it as a tool to achieve their war objectives.


The Nuts and Bolts of Cold War Diplomacy

At its core, public diplomacy involves communicating directly with a foreign public to explain America, increase mutual understanding, and promote dialogue. It aims to present America’s best face to the world and to use soft power to promote positive opinions about the United States and U.S. foreign policy among overseas audiences. Never was this more important, nor more challenging, than during the Cold War.


The Voice of America: Origins and Recollections

The origins of the Voice of America, from its inception in 1942, were covered recently in these pages in an excellent article by Walter Roberts. This comment describes later aspects of VOA, with special emphasis on broadcasts to minority republics of the USSR, focusing on one, Armenian, which I headed in its first decade of operations.


G&M’s Lisa Rochon criticizes Canada’s choice of Expo pavilion designer

Other nations launch architecture competitions and unveil their designs with much fanfare in what has become a kind of Olympics of architecture and art. Not you, Mr. Canada. You farm out the commission for the Canadian Pavilion at World Expo 2010 in Shanghai to a circus corporation. You allow a monumental nation-branding building to be conceived without an architect.


Desert Spider Discovery on Jordan-Israel Border

One benefit of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty, signed 15 years ago, was that it allowed for scientific cooperation and exchanges between the countries.

Tags: science diplomacy

Hennessy: Outdated Export Laws Hurt U.S.

Restrictions on technology exports are hurting American innovation and scientific leadership, Stanford University President John Hennessy warned U.S. lawmakers Friday.

Tags: science diplomacy

Cape Town Tourism manages the perception of the mother city abroad - 2010 and beyond

Cape Town Tourism has partnered with three international public relations agencies to proactively represent the Mother City abroad. The appointments are aimed at meeting the current demand for accurate information in the run up to the 2010 FIFA World Cup and will assist in shaping and managing realistic perceptions of destination Cape Town...



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