A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Will New Security Measures Thwart Tourism?

Under the new airport security rules..."Unintentionally making the United States a less desirable place to visit for business, study or leisure will hinder our economic recovery and our public diplomacy efforts around the world," Roger Dow, president of the U.S. Travel Association said in a statement.


Increased Airport Security Could Cause Decreased Global Travel

Although they're appropriate with the country's current air travel system, the Transportation Security Administration's newly announced security policies for international travelers to the United States could have a negative impact on the country's travel and tourism industries


A terrorism designation Cuba doesn’t deserve

The Obama administration has made many admirable moves to bring U.S. foreign policy into closer alignment with objective reality. But progress toward a fact-based relationship with Cuba has been tentative and halting, at best.


India’s Afghanistan dilemma

When Obama proclaimed an 18-month deadline for his Afghan "surge", he had two purposes. One was to assuage the concerns of the anti-war constituency back home. The other was to provide a wake-up call to countries in the region who will, so the reasoning goes, pay the highest price for continuing instability in Afghanistan.


Four global crisis spots

Of course, any American president has umpteen international issues to address in any given year - including those that can be foreseen as well as those that pop up... But for my money, four specific security issues will reach crucial and predictable milestones in 2010 - and for all of them, the role of American policy will have a major influence on outcomes.


Chinese diplomacy to reach new heights

China is increasingly involved in multilateral conferences and organizations at all levels, and is seen as one of the most important nations in international diplomatic relations. Global Times (GT) reporter Duan Congcong conducted an exclusive interview with Le Yucheng (Le), director-general of the Policy Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on China's diplomacy in 2010.


The Year Ahead: A Strategic Opportunity for European Public Diplomacy

With the rising tide of violence in Pakistan, the controversial surge into Afghanistan, the multilateral meltdown on climate change at COP 15, and tales of possible terrorist plots, it is easy to overlook what has been going on in Europe, where I spent considerable time this fall on a book tour.


Distance Learning Course in Radiation Oncology for Cancer Treatment

A shortage of medical specialists for cancer treatment in developing countries is a driving force behind a new web-based educational course that could help change the health-care picture over time.

Tags: science diplomacy


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