A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Israel seeks ‘crippling’ Iran sanctions

As the deadline for Iran to respond to the international community's offer regarding its nuclear program passed Thursday, the US has toughened its rhetoric and is looking increasingly to sanctions rather than diplomacy. That has pleased Israel, which wants strong action against the Islamic Republic...


Spanish EU presidency to focus on economic recovery

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, whose country assumed the rotating EU presidency on Friday, says helping the economies of the 27-nation bloc recover from the financial crisis will be his country's most important task over the next six months.


North Korea Calls for Better U.S. Ties

North Korea called on Friday for an end to “the hostile relationship” with the United States, issuing a New Year’s message that highlighted the reclusive country’s attempt to readjust the focus of six-party nuclear disarmament talks.


Pope Benedict XVI appeals for peace in 2010

Pope Benedict XVI said peace began with mutual respect between people, regardless of their ethnicity or faith. He said the shared characteristics of children such as laughter and tears made it clear all men were brothers.


StandWithUs takes pro-Israel show to China

Thousands of Chinese art lovers will experience a first encounter with Israeli public diplomacy next week, when StandWithUs, one of the world's prominent Israel-advocacy groups, takes a photo exhibition of Israel to Harbin in the Asian giant's northeast.


Can India be Great?

India’s hopes of assuming great power status were based an aspirational world view of constructing a new global order based on international law, reliance on multilateral institutions and an end to balance of power politics. This world view was based both on expediency and a moral component.


New iPhone Application Allows Users in Iran to Send Content to VOAs Persian News Network

Voice of America (VOA) has unveiled a new Web application that will allow users in Iran to download and send content to VOAs Persian News Network with their iPhones. "This new application gives Iranians a unique opportunity to get the latest news on their mobile devices and to share with the world the news as it happens in their country".


America: Time to honor it with a Nobel Peace Prize

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.



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