A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

EU Ends Banana War With Latin America

The European Union reached agreement on Monday to put an end to a decades-long trade dispute...over tariffs on banana imports, diplomats said...The deal resolves the world's longest-running trade dispute, which involves banana exporters in Latin America and other regions challenging the EU's preferential treatment of producers in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region.


Clinton’s warnings to Latin America

It's not clear what Hillary Clinton was aiming for exactly last Friday, when she warned Latin American countries "that if people want to flirt with Iran, they should take a look at what the consequences might well be for them."


Relations With Turkey Kindle Hopes in Syria

Ever since Syria and Turkey lifted their visa restrictions in September, Turkish visitors have poured into this picturesque northern city...The two countries have embarked on a very public honeymoon, with their leaders talking about each other like long-lost friends.


Al Qaeda’s No. 2 Accuses Obama of Deceiving Arabs

Al Qaeda's deputy leader on Monday accused President Barack Obama of deceiving the Arab world and failing to advance Middle East peace talks..."Obama's policy is nothing but another cycle in the Crusader and Zionist campaign to enslave and humiliate us, and to occupy our land and steal our wealth," Mr. al-Zawahri said.


What is Strategic Communications?

What is “strategic communication”? To many, it is synonymous with public diplomacy, but are they? Is it that strategic communication is simply engagement by the Defense Department and public diplomacy is engagement by the State Department?


Avoid something fishy in Denmark

The full responsibility for cutting greenhouse gases falls on the United States, Europe and Japan, while China, India and the rest do not have to do anything. Their right to grow comes first, an easy priority to embrace by governments that have rejected the climate paranoia of Western liberalism.


It’s Raining Ideas

This week the world has an opportunity to herald perhaps the most exciting era of international cooperation in human history...we will need to adopt 21st century ways of thinking and doing if we are to rise to the challenge before us and to make the most of the opportunities it presents.


Climate Talks Hit Turbulence

The main session of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen was suspended Monday just before noon, following protests led by African countries, Reuters reports. The African countries accused developed countries of trying to wreck the existing Kyoto Protocol.



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