A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A new courtship for Southeast Asia

As United States President Barack Obama's Asia tour wraps up this week, his takeaway message was clear: the US is back in the region. In Southeast Asia, that message is translating into renewed engagement which, while not aimed exclusively at containing China's growing influence, is certainly targeted at fostering greater competition for the loyalty of individual countries.


The New Strategy for Obama’s War: Precision Power

Precision power wields words as objects of force. About as well as any politician ever, Barack Obama understands the many ways words can be used to achieve ends. He seems to have told his Secretary of State to go to Pakistan and speak truth to power.


Stand firm, America

Giving a regime that is nearing its end, a unilateral windfall of tourists' dollars, will only reinforce its bloody repression. It is the wrong signal to send to a youthful and growing resistance movement that eventually will prevail over a decrepit totalitarian state. For the sake of the Cuban people, America should continue to stand as a pillar of moral clarity.


Have Work, Will Travel

Working Holiday programs were created to foster youth mobility, but they also encourage the exchange of cultural values. Participants serve as ambassadors for their home country and gain a greater appreciation for their host. And participants, like any tourists, contribute to the economy; Working Holiday travelers spend about $1.2 billion annually in Australia


W&M named top public institution in study abroad participation

The College of William and Mary has a greater percentage of undergraduates who participate in study abroad programs than any other public institution offering doctoral degrees in the United States, according to a recent study by the Institute of International Education.


Promoting a cause through YouTube

Are we in the midst of a Twitter Revolution, as some have proclaimed? Or not so fast, as others have cautioned? The evidence is still coming in. But it is hard to refute the prominent role the technology has played — and continues to play — in Iran and around the world.


Meet and Greet at Embassy Kabul with Employees and Their Families

When I became Secretary of State, I said that I wanted us to be using smart power. And that was a combination of what too often has been divided between our incredible military assets, so-called hard power, and our diplomacy and our development, so-called soft power. But in effect, we have done a disservice to both by separating them out and labeling them, instead of looking at what they could represent in the furtherance of our values and our interests around the world.


Global conflicts become interactive

Games for Change is working to engage everyday people in the crises of the world; namely social and political problems that would otherwise seem too abstract to fully understand and realistically grasp. Seeking to connect distant audiences to global experiences on a personal level, Games for Change has fielded and hosted social and political change games and discussion forums in the hopes of raising awareness and enacting real change. Some of the games offered include such jarring titles as “Third World Farmer” and “Darfur is Dying.”



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