A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Waging Diplomatic War

On the public diplomacy front, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, his cabinet ministers and the Foreign Ministry should use every opportunity to discredit the latest deal with Iran. They should point out its dangers and call for an end to this diplomatic catastrophe before more damage is done to the cause of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Such a campaign would probably fail to derail the current talks. But if successful, it would prevent the deal from being used as a means to delegitimize Israel's right to militarily strike Iran's nuclear installations.


Enterprise architecture can manage the use of social media

Other eDiplomacy social-media initiatives include the Virtual Presence Posts program, through which State is trying to broaden its engagement with cities, communities, regions and countries that don't have a U.S. embassy or consulate building. For example, most Virtual Presence Posts have a Web site, and diplomats in nearby embassies or consulates may use travel, public outreach programs, media events, or online webchats to create a virtual presence for local populations.


Cultural event in Israel helps enhance Sino-Israeli friendship

"Experience China in Israel" cultural event, which began 11 days ago and will conclude at the end of this month...the event has been well received by Israelis and helps enhance the friendship between the two countries. [The] event, jointly held by China's State Council Information Office and Israeli Foreign Ministry, is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 17th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


Left, right and wrong in Honduras

What brings Honduras, and Central America more generally, back again and again to center stage in Washington debates on Latin America is not the strategic, security or economic importance of the region to the United States. On the contrary, it is precisely the minimal tangible significance of Central America to the United States in economic, political and military terms that allows U.S. policymakers of conflicting tendencies to indulge in grandstanding in framing policies toward that nearby and vulnerable region.


What Lies Beneath

The bloody summer in Afghanistan and elections in Iran have recently brought communications within the foreign policy arena back into the spotlight, showing public relations and strategic communication to be close,if sometimes misunderstood, relatives.


What might derail the Iran nuclear deal?

Negotiators for President Barack Obama and other powers may have a breakthrough deal on Iran's nuclear program. But while they wait for Tehran's Friday answer, some worry that Iran won't deliver. A Western diplomat who has negotiated with Iran over its nuclear program in the past is skeptical that the concessions will be delivered precisely as contained in the draft. In his experience, Iranian negotiators have treated agreements not as final but as the launching pad for fresh negotiations.


Five little Australians make diplomacy an open book

The project -- named the Koala Series -- is something of a labour of love by Beijing-based translator Li Yao, who has devoted 27 years to bringing Australian works of literature and the occasionally racy novel to China.


From Korea Discount to Korea Premium

The country now has a great chance to replace "Korea Discount" with "Korea Premium" after winning the rights to host the fifth Group of Twenty (G20) meeting in 2010. Presidential Council on Nation Branding expected that the G20 meeting in Korea would be as great a chance to widely promote the country as the 2002 World Cup, because the leaders of the 20 largest economies will gather in the country and will together recognize the country's hard-earned development and its economy.



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