A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chinese film show opens in Bangladesh

A five-day Chinese film show opened in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka on Tuesday to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China and as the prelude to the kick-start of CRI-SMF Confucius classroom on Oct. 29.


Zimbabwe’s Tsvangirai asks region to rein in Mugabe

Now that he's "disengaged" with Zimbabwe's coalition government, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has embarked on a tour of the regional Southern African Development Community (SADC) bloc's member states, aimed at persuading them to rescue his country's seemingly ill-fated national unity government.


The Symphony Orchestra of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory Embark on their First US Tour

The North American debut of Turan and the Symphony Orchestra showcases two facets of Kazakhstan`s rich musical culture: the ancient instrumental and vocal folk traditions of its historically nomadic people, and the European traditionof classical music introduced to the country through Russian influence.


Vienna Talks Test Obama Diplomacy

Seated across the table in Vienna from the United States and its allies, the Iranian regime is considering an ambitious diplomatic offer to ship its uranium out of the country, a move designed to tamp down years’ worth of nuclear tensions. It isn’t clear if the Iranians will take the deal. But if the gambit ultimately succeeds, the Obama administration will have accomplished the one thing that that eluded the Bush administration, according to nuclear experts: it will have lengthened the time Iran would need to build an illicit bomb.


Hope for Latin America: Obama’s Nobel

Of all the regions in a dangerous and intractable world, forgotten Latin America might paradoxically offer Barack Obama the best opportunity to influence events so that the "hope for the future" embodied in his recent Nobel Peace Prize, becomes a reality.


German plays shown in Beijing

Cultural exchange between China and Germany has been vibrant recently. Reflecting the Frankfurt Book Fair, other Sino-German cultural exchange activities are being held in China. Among those activities, translations of four German dramas are being shown in an art theater in downtown Beijing from last Friday till this Monday.


Culture Clash

2009 will likely be remembered in China as the year that soft power started to get complicated. China was to have been the honored guest at the Frankfurt Book Fair this past week, but instead the festival became embroiled in a tug-of-war over exactly which China was the guest.


Armenia: Yerevan Counts On Bank To Strengthen Ties With Diaspora

The Armenian government is trying to systematize long-standing economic relationships between the mother country and its vast diaspora community.Even before its launch, however, some experts in Yerevan are expressing skepticism about the bank’s ability to achieve its stated aims, citing a lack of conceptual clarity.



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