A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton Lends Voice To N. Ireland Peace

Clinton brought her star power to a country she came to know well in the 1990s, as President Bill Clinton helped broker the Good Friday peace accords. The pact is credited with ending the religious violence that had caused more than 3,600 deaths since 1969.


Protecting Wildlife and Tourism in East Africa

The United States has stepped in to finance efforts to save one of East Africa’s most prized ecosystems, the Mara River basin. The $3 million three-year program is financed by the United States Agency for International Development in partnership with the East African Community, a regional intergovernmental organization linking Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.


The world is going off China. We should all be worried.

There is much talk at the moment of China’s ‘soft-power’ projection as it spends millions of dollars on its network of Confucius Institutes, English language TV and countless print media campaigns designed to show that China is no threat to the world, but a friendly rising power. However to judge by recent opinion polling of Europe and Australia, the message is not getting through.


Nobel Americans

Nobel Prize committees in six categories made 13 new laureates in announcements in eight days and 11 of them are Americans or people who call the United States home...The announcements started with three Americans splitting the prize in medicine and ended with U.S. President Barack Obama's stunning win of the Peace Prize and two U.S. academics winning the economics prize.


A global dialogue

Obama has returned the U.S. to a multilateral strand of diplomacy and reconciliation with our friends around the world. This prize is a prize for all Americans as well as the president because the world wants the United States to be again engaged with the world. To lead but also to listen. It is a promise of hope and change that was so central to the presidential campaign.


Tanzanian dance-music ensemble brings tribal cultures alive

Dancers in printed wraps, tiger-rosette loincloths and elaborate feathered head-dresses brought alive the ancient tribal cultures of Tanzania here as the part of the ongoing Delhi International Arts Festival (DIAF). Five members of Lumumba Theatre Group held the audience...under their spell with an hour-long recital of traditional ethnic dances, fire jugglery acts, music and a percussion concert Monday evening.


America’s Image Rebounds

Global attitudes towards the United States are undergoing a V-shaped recovery. Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize was emblematic of something that can be quantified across the world. A recent multi-nation Pew poll found: “In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office.”


China to share culture and literature at Frankfurt Book Fair

As the annual Frankfurt Book Fair is to take place on Oct. 14-18, China is ready to share with the world the charm of its culture and literature at the 61st edition of the event. With a history of about 600 years, the world's biggest book fair this year is expected to attract more than 7,000 publishers, over 1,000 writers and 15,000 journalists from around the world.



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