A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Handicapping the Nobel Peace Prize

This could be the year a pop star gets the Nobel Peace Prize. Or it may go to a green campaigner to grease United Nations climate talks ahead of the Copenhagen summit. Or the committee might reward a woman, something it has done only 12 times in its 108-year history.


Kerry Lugar bill not a threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty: US

Dispelling fears raised by the Pakistan Army that the Kerry Lugar bill is a compromise on the country’s sovereignty, US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs P.J. Crowley said “we are not going to impose US solutions on Pakistani problems”. The bill provides unconditional non-military US aid to Pakistan but imposes conditions for military assistance.


Iran, Serbia Ink Cultural MoU

The deal which contains 45 articles in three languages of Persian, Serbian and English was inked by the head of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Mehdi Mostafavi and Serbian Deputy Foreign Minister Milvan Bozivich. Addressing the signing ceremony, Mostafavi was quoted by the Islamic republic news agency as saying that friendship among the two nations will remain eternal in history.


Cine Europa 12 opens in Cebu

The showcase of European films in the Philippines dubbed 'Cinema 12' is a continuing tradition of further enhancing dialogues between European and Filipino cultures through the silver screen. Cine Europa, the tradition of bringing excellent European films to the Philippines, opens its doors tomorrow in Cebu.


Dachau Plans Sister-City Agreement with Israeli Town

The German town of Dachau plans to become a sister city with Rosh Haayin in Israel as a gesture of reconciliation. But Israeli Holocaust survivors are outraged that a town which was the location of a Nazi concentration camp could have a sister city in the Jewish state.


Egypt: Suspension of ties with Louvre is not over UNESCO bid loss

Egyptian Minister of Culture Farouk Hosny said Thursday that the decision to suspend ties with the Louvre museum had nothing to do with his failed bid for the UNESCO top job last month. Egypt announced Wednesday that it was suspending its ties with the Louvre museum in Paris in a row over allegedly stolen ancient antiquities.


Silk Road Trade and Investment: New Pathways for U.S.-Central Asia Economic Ties

Each year, the U.S. government sends hundreds of students, teachers, journalists, artists, and sportsmen from Central Asia and Afghanistan to America. Over the past year alone, over 290 young leaders from the region participated in U.S. government-sponsored cultural and educational exchange programs. Since 1993, the U.S. government has also sent over 2,300 Peace Corps volunteers to Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Turkmenistan to build understanding and help the development efforts of local communities.


‘Without Gandhi, there would be no Obama’

The Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative Act of 2009, which Lewis introduced on July 24, is currently pending before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. It authorises the secretary of state to develop three international exchange programmes: -Undergraduate and postgraduate student exchange programmes that apply the philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Martin Luther King Jr to current issues like human rights, peaceful conflict resolution, civil rights and democracy.



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