A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Putin’s Letter to the Poles

Recently, Poland and Russia have been having a little dust up over the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, in anticipation of tomorrow's 70th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland. To calm things down, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin penned a piece for the Polish daily, Gazeta, addressing himself to the Polish people


Update: Former State Department Interns Respond

We have received several responses to the post last week about the State Department's struggle to get security clearances for interns. The post was based on this National Journal story.


Guest Post: The Rosetta Stone for Strategic Communication? More like Speak ‘N Spell

Strategic communication should be an enabling function that guides and informs our decisions and not an organization unto itself. Rather than trying to capture all communication activity underneath it, we should use it to describe the process by which we integrate and coordinate.


Come to Australia, it’s safe: Australian deputy PM

Allaying fears that Australia is a racist country, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard Monday reassured the Indian student community of her country’s safety record and appealed to them to come and study there.


Mr. Postman

Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter today announced that the state of Arkansas and China’s most populous province, Henan Province, have signed a letter of intent to promote common business interests and generate trade and investment opportunities.


Re-Birth of Japanese Democracy

The world, fixated on China's rise, was slow to pay attention to this seismic shift in the politics of the globe's second largest economy. Japanese politics has a dull image in the world's press. Most editors, when they cover Japan at all, prefer stories about the zaniness of its popular youth culture, or the wilder shores of Japanese sex.


Mullen’s Strategic Communication

Admiral Michael Mullen's "From the Chairman" essay in the new issue of Joint Force Quarterly has received some attention in public diplomacy and military ciricles. Mullen throws a bucket of ice water on the strategic communications "cottage industry", stating bluntly that "I don't care for the term."


Iran to Fight Enemy’s “Soft War,” Parliament Told

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's proposed new intelligence minister pledged on Monday to "confront the enemies' soft war," but one conservative member of parliament said he lacked experience for the post. Heydar Moslehi was one of several of Ahmadinejad's cabinet nominees to address the assembly in a bid to secure its support in voting scheduled for Wednesday.



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