A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Rebranding Korea

In order to rebrand this country, we must preserve the attitude of the previous generation. Learn their hard work, nationalism, patience and reserve. They left a great legacy for us. They achieved miracles. Every individual is an important part of the nation. If we want to succeed in reinventing our national image, we should remember what our ancestors have given us.


Adm. Mullen Elevates ‘Strategic Communications’ Debate Above a Third-Grade Level

For years, public diplomacy — and its uniformed cousin, 'strategic communications' — has been discussed in Washington like a mantra. Critics countered that the argument infantilized the people supposedly targeted by U.S. messaging, who had real problems with U.S. actions as judged through their own interests, and then tended to discount the entire enterprise as a cynical and stupid ruse.


Message to Muslim World Gets a Critique

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has written a searing critique of government efforts at “strategic communication” with the Muslim world, saying that no amount of public relations will establish credibility if American behavior overseas is perceived as arrogant, uncaring or insulting.


How Ted Kennedy Helped Create Bangladesh

[Edward] Kennedy received a hero's welcome in Dhaka in 1972, just after Bangladesh gained independence. Yesterday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recalled Kennedy's role, saying, "The people of Bangladesh will remember his contribution forever.


Joy of Jazz Cultural Exchange Programme

The Standard Bank Joy of Jazz (SBJoJ) is introducing an American cultural exchange programme. The programme…will see the sharing of musical talent between South Africa and the US. The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation and Festival (NOJHFF) and SBJoJ will send an upcoming artist to each other’s festivals every year.


Fighting Social Ills With Social Media

This week I’m traveling in Mexico as part of a unique State Department delegation, bringing American social-media professionals together with Mexican public and private efforts working on building civic society. In particular, the trip is focused on bolstering civic participation efforts aimed at countering the enormous spike in narco-violence in Mexico.


Schroeder’s wrestling trip to Japan delivered experience of a lifetime

Luke Schroeder had an opportunity most high school students can never dream of when he spent nearly two weeks in Japan wrestling for Team Indiana this summer. The Southwestern junior was part of the Indiana State Wrestling Association Cultural Exchange program, touring Japan and taking on Japanese wrestlers from four different cities.


Public Diplomacy and Public Drama in Pakistan

How do you perform public diplomacy effectively in the Age of Drama Queens? America and the West on balance aspire toward candor, forthrightness and modesty in their communications, in relative terms. Pakistanis tend toward a style that could be perceived in the West as posturing, blustery and lacking in nuance.



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