A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Sends Musicians To Make Overtures In War Zones

When pianist Jonathan Lefcoski walked into a rehearsal at a Baghdad music club, he didn't know what to expect. He didn't know whether the Iraqi musicians would welcome him — or whether they'd know how to play the same music he did.


U.N. Diplomats Trade Suits for Soccer Shorts

The recent match played between two modest teams of U.N. ambassadors and officials, along with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, was certainly not typical. The mood was competitive yet congenial as the dignitaries traded their suits for shorts and hit the soccer field at Chelsea Piers on a balmy New York evening April 25....There was, of course, an underlying purpose behind the motivation to hit the pitch: support for a new charitable organization dedicated to advancing peace through the global reach and unifying power of soccer (also called football).


The Erosion of U.S. Power in Asia

When George W. Bush was president, critics of his Asia policy liked to say that America was "getting its derriere kicked" by China. By this the critics meant that the war in Iraq was a big distraction and that the United States was not attending enough Asian multilateral conferences, where it could demonstrate its "soft power."


EU’s Borders and Neighbours

Shifting from the notion of borders as demarcation lines, and symbols of exclusion, to the reality of frontiers - more open regions, where people and cultures mingle will make post-modern Europe learn a good lesson from medieval Europe.


‘Europe Days’ to Bring Pleasurable Experience on Entertainment

The sixth Europe Day in Vietnam will bring local audiences an entertaining and intellectually refreshing cocktail of 16 events reflecting many aspects of a Europe which is “united in diversity”...‘Europe Days’ 2009 also includes annual events such as the Europe-Vietnam Children’s Football Cup, the painting contest on gender equality; and the European Food Festival organised by the European Chamber of Commerce.


Romanian Offer Causes Moldovan Visa Frenzy

Last month’s political unrest and violent protests in Moldova have led to an interesting, and controversial, proposition from Romania: the EU nation is offering passports to up to one million Moldovans to prevent the implementation of “a new Iron Curtain” on the border of their historically close neighbor.


Young Israelis more skeptical of Obama

Survey conducted by Bar-Ilan University Professor Eytan Gilboa on US-Israel ties shows public less fond of new US president than they are of America. Younger respondents more skeptical of president's policies than older ones, while total majority of 66% support military strike in Iran if all efforts fail.


Poll: Most Israelis would support Iran strike

A vast majority (66%) of Israelis said they would support military action if diplomatic and economic efforts failed to get Iran to stop uranium enrichment, and of that number, 75% would support this action even if the Obama administration were opposed, according to a survey jointly commissioned by Bar-Ilan University's BESA center and the ADL, published on Sunday.



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