A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Czechs Translate Kurdish Literature

Czech-Kurdish Days ended in Duhok with recommendations to build and expand cultural and literature relations and increase cooperation, especially in the field of translating Kurdish literature masterpieces into Czech language..."Czech now is the heart of Europe for cultural and literature movement and it is noticed by the world and especially USA, consequently it can be very important for Kurdistan developments to be reflected via Czech and it culture," Najeeb Balayee, a Kurdish writer who took part in Duhok as a member of the delegation.


Grading Obama’s first 100 days: Peter Feaver

A final word on the principal focus of the Obama foreign policy team thus far: rebuilding America's soft power by cashing in on Obama's celebrity status and shifting as many toxic assets onto the Bush legacy ledger as they can...the Obama team has come pretty close to playing both strings out as far as they can go. From now on, what will matter is not whether Chavez says nice things about Obama, but whether the revived soft power real results.


Moscow Wields its Influence

In Georgia, Moscow is providing non intrusive, soft power support such as extensive media coverage to the array of opposition groups that seek to dethrone Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.


Allies Copy U.S. Navy Smart-Power Strategy

Smart power, previously known as soft power, emerged during the bloodiest years of the Iraq war..."Ultimate success or failure will increasingly depend more on shaping the behavior of others -- friends and adversaries, and most importantly, the people in between," Defense Secretary Robert Gates said. Reinvigorated international alliances, especially at sea, comprised one early tenet of soft power.


The Rise of the Beijing Consensus

Although China is often said to lack "soft power," many of its ideas on economics and governance are coming into ascendance. Indeed, in pursuit of national economic stability, the Obama administration is clearly moving towards the kind of government intervention that China has been promoting over the past two decades.


Plan of Cultural and Scientific Exchange between DPRK and Russian Governments Signed

A 2009-2010 plan of cultural and scientific exchange between the governments of the North Korean DPRK and Russia was signed in Pyongyang.


Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Medvedev’s New Media Strategy

Before the Western audiences Medvedev is also seeking to establish his own style of engagement. On the eve of his first face-to-face meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, a meeting meant to reset the fledgling U.S.-Russian relationship, Medvedev reached out to the American public by placing an op-ed in the Washington Post, notorious for its negative editorial coverage of the Kremlin.


Celebrating International Volunteerism: Obama Signs Serve America Act

President Obama signed into law the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Actthis week, at a ceremony celebrating the law's sponsor. The $5.7 national billion service bill supports the President's call for Americans to serve their country through volunteerism, both at home and abroad. It allocates $10 million to Volunteers for Prosperity (VFP) for 2010 in order to support 50% of the cost of sending skilled American workers to donate their services abroad--allowing Americans in greater numbers to participate in international volunteerism.



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