A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Gallup Survey: Iraq Matters Most (If You Don’t Include Israel)

I wanted to call attention to the Gallup Organization's latest report on findings of its ongoing surveys of Arab public opinion. There's a lot of questionable survey research done in the Middle East, but Gallup (along with Pew) is generally considered the gold standard for such survey research.


NHK To Launch Global 24-Hour News Channel

NHK will launch Japan's first 24-hour international broadcasting service on Feb. 2. NHK World TV will provide international news in English, with a focus on Japan and Asia. It will be available in some 70 countries and regions via satellite, cable TV and the Internet.


Gaza: Of Media Wars and Borderless Journalism

Yet again, the disconnect. Yet again, American and Arab viewers are seeing two vastly different conflicts play out on their television screens. Yet again, the media has become a weapon of war.


Decoding Egypt: The Decline Of Egypt’s Soft Power

Amidst Israel’s war on Gaza, top Egyptian officials were busy with what they considered to be another more important war waged on their regime by a number of Arab satellite channels who were sharply critical of Egypt’s foreign policy. Hinting at the hollowness of their rhetoric compared to the real sacrifices the Egyptian army has made for the Palestinian cause, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit scornfully asked: “Do these satellite channels have infantry and armored battalions?”


The Downside of Soft Power

From a parochial American perspective, however, this aspect of "soft power" has at least one downside. In addition to learning about American values and in most cases acquiring a more accurate and favorable impression of American society, some foreign students who study here also acquire an in-depth knowledge of how the American system of government works. They also learn how to talk to Americans in ways that we will find persuasive. In short, they gain a greater ability to manipulate our political system to their advantage.


The Fallout from Obama’s interview: Day One

With a day's perspective, Obama's al-Arabiya TV interview still looks like a home run. The response from the Arab world has been mostly positive, with the skepticism I described yesterday interwoven. The new tone and the early outreach (not waiting for an Abu Ghraib moment, as Bush did) are important as signals of his intentions, but -- as Obama himself pointed out -- he'll be judged by his administration's deeds and not just the words.


The Public Diplomat

You might think Barack Hussein Obama would choose a safer audience than the Arab world for his first TV interview as President. But he chose Dubai-based Al Arabiya, and he chose well.


Venezuela Gov’t: We’re Honored Israel Expelled Our Diplomats

Venezuela's government said Wednesday it was proud that Israel has expelled its diplomatic envoys, calling Israel's leaders criminals while denying allegations of anti-Semitism at home. Israel's Foreign Ministry announced Wednesday that it had ordered the Venezuelan ambassador to leave this week, responding to Venezuela's Jan. 6 declaration that it was expelling Israeli diplomats in protest of Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip.



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