A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama Must Raise US Rep

Weber Shandwick's global chairman has said incoming US President Barack Obama should mount 'an unprecedented public diplomacy campaign' to improve the US' reputation. Jack Leslie, a former senior aide to Senator Edward Kennedy, was speaking in New York this week. Leslie outlined five tactics Obama used to get elected, which he said should also be applied to this public diplomacy campaign. These inc-lude a strong message and reaching out to young people.


Analysis: Where to Talk Tough

Israel's public diplomacy strategists, therefore, are emphasizing anything but threats of more violence. What needs to be stressed, they say, is Hamas's indifference to Palestinian loss of life, as exemplified by its operating from mosques, schools and homes, and Israel's efforts to defang Hamas while minimizing that loss of civilian life.


Obama’s next campaign

As President, Mr. Obama, should launch – sooner rather than later -- a public diplomacy campaign that redefines America’s engagement with the world community and its citizens. He should take the campaign around the world, and especially to the hotbeds of anti-Americanism. And he already has a roadmap: the same unprecedented approach he used to win the election.


Where is the Truth?

It is said that truth is the first casualty of war. Indeed it is. The war in Gaza is a prime example of how the truth suffers in time of conflict. And both sides are guilty of making a casualty out of the truth. It just so happens that one side is more sophisticated at it than the other. Naturally, they don't call it lying, nor do they call it bending the truth.


Obama’s New Approach On Iran

In the past 30 years, the United States has pondered regime change, military action, and containment as policies toward Iran. None have proved effective. Now Barack Obama is going to try engagement. In a weekend interview, he pledged a "new approach." We should not get too starry-eyed about this...If the political stars align, what we might see is the beginning of considerably lower-level diplomatic engagement, perhaps the establishment of a US diplomatic post in Tehran, and some people-to-people, cultural, and sporting exchanges.


Clinton Expresses Plans For New World Approach

Secretary of State nominee Hillary Clinton began Tuesday to outline some of the incoming Obama administration's plans for dealing with some of the nation's biggest international challenges. At her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, she promised what she called a "smart power" approach to foreign policy issues, with "diplomacy in the vanguard" as well as development and military power.


Israel Gains In Media Blitz, But For How Long?

The advertisements in the international press couldn't be clearer: a map of London with an outline of the Gaza Strip alongside, missiles raining down onto Britain's capital. "Imagine if Hamas terrorists were targeting you and your family," reads the text under the map, overlayed with concentric rings showing the range of the rockets Hamas militants fire from the Gaza Strip into Israel.


Gaza War Also Being Waged In Cyberspace

An enormous number of people around the world are using blogs, YouTube and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to register their support or opposition to the war. Thousands of images — from Palestinians under siege in Gaza to Israeli neighborhoods that have been hit by Hamas rocket attacks — have filled photo-sharing sites such as Flickr and Picasa.



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