A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Foreign minister, diplomats visit Hualien to tout Taiwan’s beauty

Foreign Minister Francisco H.L. Ou and 30 members of the diplomatic corps in Taiwan paid a two-day visit to Hualien County in eastern Taiwan Jan. 3-4 to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to the international community, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).


Public Diplomacy Begins With You

We must do more to encourage individuals to embrace their roles as citizen diplomats, to accept their part in helping to shape foreign relations "one handshake at a time."


How to Sell America

James K. Glassman, as they say in Washington, gets it. The under secretary of state for public diplomacy has been on the job for only six months, but he has already scored small successes in the U.S. effort to win over "hearts and minds" in the Muslim world, a hard sell if ever there was one.


Sri Lanka’s lack of strategic communication helps LTTE to influence International Community

The Asian Tribune presents here the challenges Sri Lanka is facing while registering military victories over the LTTE and thereafter because this South Asian nation is facing a strong pro-LTTE lobby in the West and a well oiled public diplomacy machinery that works among ‘influential personalities’ in the West and internationally-recognized human rights groups.


The Toughest Q’s Answered in the Briefest Tweets

The Israel Defense Forces, recognizing that success in neutralizing the Hamas movement in Gaza is as much a public relations challenge as a military one, has enlisted an arsenal of Internet tools to take their message directly to a global audience.


Satellite Sheiks Appeal to Youth (Video)

Ahmad al-Shugairi is well known throughout the Middle East as a member of a new generation of "satellite sheiks" who provide one of the main avenues in which many young people are experiencing Islam.


Special spin body gets media on message, says Israel

Israel believes its has won broad international support in the media for its actions in Gaza thanks to its PR strategy, which through a new body has for months been concerned with formulating plans and role-playing to ensure that government officials deliver a clear, unified message to the world's press.


The Return of Cultural Diplomacy

America should aim to export more serious forms of entertainment as well as 'Dark Knight' and 'Baywatch'...The way to reconcile democracy and civilization is to exercise good taste in ways that are open and communicable to all. One example: a 2004 production of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" mounted by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, performed in colloquial Arabic by some of Egypt's leading actors.



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