A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Soft Power, Hard Truths

It's easy to get cynical about "soft power," the phrase coined by Harvard University Prof. Joseph Nye to describe the benefits of cultural attractiveness over coercion in international relations. The words sometimes conjure the 1960s peace-movement portrait of a daisy stem planted in the barrel of a machine gun: well-intentioned, perhaps, but of little use to blunt the bullets. Still, each time I encounter fresh evidence of pacifist Japan's magnetic appeal in the United States, I'm inclined to grant Prof. Nye a little credit.


Turkish-Syrian Relations: The Erdoğan Legacy

The rise to power of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan marks a new era in positive Turkish- Syrian relations. The new Syrian attitude towards Turkey represents a break from past: Syria considers Turkey a reliable partner for brokering a peace deal between Syria and Israel, and Turkey offers opportunities for political and economic cooperation for improving the welfare and security of two countries.


Only peace protects freedoms in post-9/11 world

It is not economic prosperity but peace that guarantees press freedom. That is the main lesson to be drawn from the world press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders compiles every year and from the 2008 edition, released today.


Will Euh Yoon-dae Polish Korea’s Image Globally?

More recently, the concept of nation branding emerged. Individuals and the few companies that began developing and marketing the concept were initially treated with skepticism. Today we are living this reality and competition amongst regions and nations is no longer confined to developed economies but a prerequisite for every nation in the world.


Voice of America Takes A Modest Step to Restore Russian Radio Broadcasts

Voice of America (VOA) has taken a small step to restore radio broadcasts to Russia which were terminated by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) shortly before the Russian military attack on Georgia. Responding to criticism from Congress and media freedom organizations, the BBG staff has allowed VOA to start producing a 30 min. radio news program in Russian for online placement.


European missions seek to woo more cinema-goers

European Embassies expect more participation of locals and other expatriate communities to the eighth edition of 'European Movies' which is also extended to Dubai this year, as well as Abu Dhabi and Al Ain...The embassies have selected films which depict the concerns of the Europe such as struggles in life, losing jobs, and the effect of wars, said Andreas Maager, Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at the Swiss Embassy.


Turkey’s Diplomacy Wins UNSC Seat

Turkey, which last held a UNSC seat in 1961 and lobbied hard in the months leading up to the election, secured 151 votes from the 192-member U.N. General Assembly, easily defeating its competition. Iran, meanwhile, saw its hopes of holding a seat for the first time since 1956 crushed, garnering just 32 votes in its bid for the Asian seat against Japan, the U.N.'s second largest donor.


European Missile Defense: Looking at the Heart and Soul of the U.S.-European Alliance

The recently concluded negotiations for placing an anti-ballistic missile system in Poland and the Czech Republic underscore a truism of the post-Cold War transatlantic relationship: Americans and Europeans often do not see the world the same way, yet this does not prevent cooperation on sensitive issues even if such cooperation is strongly disliked by many, or even most, Europeans.



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