A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Records Say Chinese Gymnasts May Be Under Age

China named its Olympic women’s gymnastics team on Friday, and the inclusion of at least two athletes has further raised questions, widespread in the sport, about whether the host nation for the Beijing Games is using under-age competitors.


Nigeria: U.S., Ford Foundation to Offer Technical Assistance to Nollywood

Barely one month after the introduction of the new framework for the distribution and exhibition of movies in Nigeria by the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), the dividends accruable to a formal sector have started rolling into the Nigerian movie industry popularly known as Nollywood.


Analyze This: Livni’s choice

As a candidate to replace Olmert as Kadima's flag-bearer and probable successor in the Prime Minister's Office, Livni is now having to develop greater political communication skills than previously demonstrated. But whatever her own limitations, there would be no excuse for sending an ambassador to the UN who didn't possess a proven ability in public diplomacy of the highest order.


Combating An Ideology

On Friday at the New America Foundation, the Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, James Glassman, spoke about America’s strategy in the so called ‘war of ideas’. The speech outlined a process of gentle encouragement and openness.


Israel’s Bootcamp for Social Entrepreneurs

Israel is well known for its high-tech entrepreneurial spirit. Now, a new non-profit organization hopes to use that expertise to train young Jewish professionals from North America how to become "social entrepreneurs."


An Olympic Dream

For the Chinese, the Games take on extra significance. There is a palpable sense of pride here that a country that could barely feed itself 25 years ago has accomplished so much in so little time. Yet that pride comes with a hard edge. China is like an adolescent aching to sit at the grown-ups' table. The Chinese see the Olympics as a triumph over centuries of exploitation and domination at the hands of Western imperialists and Japanese aggressors.


China and its Friends

In a commentary in its Friday edition, the People's Daily made an extraordinary appeal to its readers. It urged the Chinese government and ordinary Chinese citizens to "befriend the media." However recent abuse of correspondents and lack of access for media outlets bring this commitment into question. But there is another issue. The implicit message from the Chinese government is that those who praise the government are "friends of China," while those who criticize or expose problems are deemed "unfriendly" or even "enemies.


A Change Election Abroad, Too

The world is very much with Americans in this thoroughly unorthodox year. Foreign leaders traditionally complain that they cannot vote in our presidential elections even though their nations' fortunes frequently depend on the outcome. This year they get a say of a sort in a campaign in which foreign policy is both urgent and important.



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