A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Iran and Israel build up their bluffing game

When governments undertake grand gestures in the full glare of public attention, the only thing you can be sure of is that they do not mean what they appear to mean. That's a useful rule of thumb to apply to any exercise in public diplomacy but it's especially helpful when trying to fathom the volatile politics of the Middle East.


US Navy Revives Command for Latin America, Caribbean

The U.S. military is reviving a naval command for the Latin America and the Caribbean region, which has not been active since World War II. Officials say the re-establishment of the Fourth Fleet does not change the Navy's mission in the area. But VOA's Brian Wagner reports some regional leaders fear it will lead to an increased U.S. military presence.


Germany’s Imagemakers - Christoph Lanz, Head of Deutsche Welle TV

As head of the German national external broadcaster he occupies a special role in German public diplomacy and the presentation of Germany to the world. Funded by the government, yet editorally independent, he describes his mission as ‘to show Germany to the rest of the world. My mission is not to show the Good Germany or the Bad Germany, my mission is to show Germany as it represents itself.’


EU to challenge Hollywood rule

Although it is foreseen that the project will officially be open to everybody, it is clear that it is meant to counter US dominance in the global cinema market. In the European Union, for example, admissions to watch Hollywood movies accounted for over 60% of the total in 2007, more than double the figure for EU films...The desirable outcome for the European Commission would be to increase the presence of Canadian or Japanese movies in the EU market to counter American over-representation, and conversely to increase EU cinema shares in these markets.


Follow the Leader

Smart warriors, however, know how to lead with more than just the use of force. Soldiers sometimes joke that their job description is simple: “Kill people and break things.” But, as the U.S. discovered in Iraq, hearts and minds also matter, and smart warriors need the soft power of attraction as well as the hard power of coercion.


China Says 82 People Detained in Olympic Plots

China has detained 82 suspected terrorists in the first half of the year on allegations that they were plotting attacks against next month's Olympics, according to state media reports Thursday.


A Jittery China Awaits the Olympics

Alongside stunning sports venues, new subway lines and floral displays, Beijing is rolling out restrictive measures dampening any festive feeling ahead of the Aug. 8-24 games. "It's like they're getting ready to throw a great party and then trying to restrain the partygoers," said Bob Dietz of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists, who couldn't get a visa despite 20 years of travel to China. "They're not ready to welcome the world."


Olympics are for Sport, not Politics

While many are tempted to use the Olympic Games as an opportunity to criticize China's human rights record, commentator Ilya Shapiro says it's time to take the politics out of this sporting event.



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