A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Trouble with Africa

It is difficult to be optimistic about Africa, but unthinkable to give up on a continent that has so much unfulfilled potential....For Africa to utilize its wealth in human and natural resources, to take its place as a key political and economic player, the different African states must pull together, share their knowledge and experience, and fight their problems as a unified body.


Getting creative with power plays

Power has many forms. Even the most powerful are sometimes forced to be creative with the uses of their influence and reach, and cannot simply ram though their intentions. For Beijing, the mutability of its power relationships is an enduring truth and is informing many of its more pressing political issues.


In The Spotlight: Persian Scholarship Funds

According to a 2004 study conducted by the Iranian Studies Group at MIT, there are more than 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranking U.S. universities and colleges...However, it is perhaps academia that has been most adversely affected by geopolitics for the past quarter century, at times making students of Iranian origin subject to prejudice and bias.


Iran, Venezuela call for cultural cooperation

Iran and Venezuela reached an agreement on cooperation in the fields of culture and information technology. In a meeting with Iranian Deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance for Press Affairs Ali-Reza Malekian, Venezuelan Minister of Information Hector Soto stressed Tehran-Caracas further cultural relations.


Military Review: “Partnering with the Iraqi Media”

The current issue of Military Review (via SWJ) contains a quite fascinating article written by Lt Col Frank DeCarvalho, Major Spring Kivett, and Captain Matthew Lindsey entitled "Reaching Out: Partnering with Iraq Media." The article enthusiastically details the efforts of Task Force Marne to use Iraqi media as a more credible source for pro-coalition stories.


Iran, Venezuela call for cultural cooperation

Iran and Venezuela reached an agreement on cooperation in the fields of culture and information technology. In a meeting with Iranian Deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance for Press Affairs Ali-Reza Malekian, Venezuelan Minister of Information Hector Soto stressed Tehran-Caracas further cultural relations...Stressing the role of cultural relations in strengthening bonds among nations, he called for mutual cooperation in media, art and cinematic fields to deepen the two countries' ties.


Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan to launch joint TV network

Representatives of the Islamic Republic, Tajikistan and Afghanistan in their first working group session inked an agreement here Sunday to establish a joint Persian-language TV network in the near future...The joint Persian-language TV network will play a key role in promoting trilateral cultural relations.


A Side Competition in Beijing: Island vs. Mainland

As Taiwan’s athletes prepare for the Olympics, its officials fear that China will use the Games for political purposes.



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